Синхронизация PBX

Часто задаваемые вопросы о PBXsync



Вопросы и ответы


Часто задаваемые вопросы

The subtle differences between Linux distributions make it difficult for a single binary to work everywhere. To address this, Telium compiles and tests PBXSync on the most popular platforms and architectures. If you don't see your distribution/architecture on the download page, then Telium can create a custom compilation for you.

If your are an OEM partner then Telium will create the custom one-time compilation at no charge. If you are a retail / low volume customer then Telium will charge a fee equivalent to 8 service hours to create and test the custom compilation, on a Linux distribution we can install and test in our QA and Release labs. Every subsequent update compiled for that distribution will cost the same, or Telium can negotiate an annual fee to make that distribution part of the ongoing release cycle.

In the case of non-PC hardware (eg: Rasbery Pi), there will be an additional fee for compilation since Telium will have to create an entire development toolchain for the device. In the case of Linux distros customized for specific vendor hardware, or which operates in the cloud, Telium must charge additional fees to procure or lease equipment, maintain external services, extend our development environment into a cloud, etc.
Telium offers a 100% money back guarantee so you can rest assured you don't waste your money. Telium has adapted and evolved its software over many years to ensure compatibility with the broadest range of products and versions. When Telium installs and configures one of its products it will either work as expected or we will provide a complete refund (fees, licences, etc). The reason we are so confident is that we haven't yet found a PBX we could not integrate with.

We have worked very hard to develop a stellar reputation as a trusted and reliable partner - we would not jeopardize our reputation for one sale. Ask your account manager for more information about our guarantee.
From a compatibility standpoint there is no difference between our Free/Flex/Commercial editions; so if the Free edition works on your server then the others will work too. From a connectivity standpoint, a subscription (SaaS) license must contact Telium servers to ask if the subscription is valid; so your environment must allow PBXSync to contact Telium servers over the internet (to TCP port 443).
No. Telium engineers require direct SSH access to the hosts. Use of remote desktop (including TeamViewer, PC Anywhere, AnyDesk, RemotePC, LogMeIn, Javascript Console, etc) can causes considerable delays and errors. If you must have installation occur using any remote desktop software then installation effort (and costs) will be doubled.

We recommend that you publish the necessary SSH ports externally, or provide VPN access as noted in FAQ 4042
Yes. We build PBXSync for a variety of different CPU architectures. Due to CPU/SBC issues We offer custom platform compilation to our OEM customers only.

Unlike generic PC platforms, SBC's may contain some significant differences in chipsets which would cause HAast to fail when probing hardware (to detect device failure). For this reason we do not offer generic non-x86 software builds of HAast.

If you are targeting a low power-CPU (eg: ARM) then we compile PBXSync for the specific CPU model (eg: ARMv8.6-a) to minimize overall CPU load. Compiling for a specific CPU model allows PBXSync to take advantage of advanced instructions offered by the specific CPU. We do no simply cross-compile for low power CPU's (e.g. ARM / OpenSPARC / RISC-V / etc.) for performance reasons - unless specifically requested by the OEM. Note that Peerlink (inter-node) communications are encrypted, and encryption/decryption operations benefit considerably from advanced CPU instructions.

In addition to compiling PBXSync, we also compile dependent libraries if not already available for the target platform, and optionally interface with onboard sensors for health monitoring. Upon request Telium can compile a complete telephony stack, OS, etc. and deliver a bootable MMC/disk image.

Please contact your account manager for pricing details.
No. Included in the license price of each product is the (optional) shipment of USB dongles. This includes handling (our internal costs) and postage (shipping by postal service with tracking and insurance). Telium uses the basic shipping offering which can deliver in as few as 5 days (or up to 3 weeks to countries like China or Russia). This time may increase in the event of postal disruptions or Coronavirus.

If you need expedited shipping then we can send the USB dongles overnight using UPS or FedEx. Please note that you must pay the full cost of expedited shipping in advance, and that shipments will not leave Telium until payment for the license and shipping have been received in full. Please contact Telium administration (admin@telium.io) with your mailing address to request a quote for expedited shipping.
Although unusual, there are times when Telium must decline the sale of software or services. For example:

If a customer asks us to perform work for which are not qualified, or we do not have the capacity to complete the job to our high standards, we will decline the opportunity. We will not jeopardize our reputation by delivering poor quality work.

If a customer is rude or disrespectful towards any Telium team member then a Telium manager or executive will step in as the point of contact for the customer. If the inappropriate behaviour continues, then Telium will seek to the resolve the issue with the customer, and if not resolvable Telium will terminate the commercial relationship with the customer. Protecting employees is not just the right thing to do, we also have a legal obligation to ensure we don't condone a hostile work environment.

If a prospect is rude or disrespectful, then Telium will decline the opportunity to do business with the prospect. Rude or abusive behavior before we even have a commercial relationship usually leads to worse behavior once a project has started. In addition to protecting our employees, we need to protect our reputation; a single sale is not worth jeopardizing our hard-earned reputation.

If a customer requests that Telium participate in activities which are illegal or immoral, the account manager will attempt to find an acceptable alternative way forward with the customer. If the customer makes participation in these activities essential for project progress, then Telium will terminate the commercial relationship with the customer.

If a customer appears more interested in learning the names of our clients, details of our proprietary technology, names of key staff, etc. than the project/opportunity, then Telium will attempt to proceed with the project using an arms length relationship (minimal contact between Telium staff and the customer). If this is not possible, then Telium will terminate the commercial relationship with the customer.
Yes, the Flex and Unlimited editions of PBXSync meet the "Commercial Product" criteria as defined in Far 2.101 (FAC Number 2022-04, Effective Date 01/30/2022).

The OEM edition of PBXSync does not meet the criteria for "Commercial Product". The OEM edition may includes features and functionality not available to the general public, individuals, or certain foreign entities. As well, pricing of the OEM edition depends on the included features and functionality, as well as any custom design, development, and other engineering time invested in creating the specific edition.
Yes. However, this support is not included with the PBXSync maintenance agreement. You would have to purchase hourly support seperately, with a minimum of 4 hours base plus 2 hours per device. This allows the Telium support staff to familiarize themselves with the equipment and scale effort with the number of units deployed.

In some cases there will be additional charges as Telium will need to acquire or lease the hardware/software in question to allow for Telium support staff to learn about the device. Even if Telium has used such hardware/software in the past, the 4 hour minimum is enforced for all products.

The only exception to the above is if the hardware in question is purchased from Telium. Third party hardware support is included with the base PBXSync maintenance agreement, so Telium support staff can assist in the configuration and diagnosis of problems with the third party hardware. Please note that Telium regularly tests and re-tests 3rd party software for devices it resells, and maintains it's own library of drivers, patches, and other tools. Telium cannot provide any such drivers or tools unless the associated hardware was purchased directly from Telium. (Telium cannot legally redistribute any such drivers/patches/tools).
You are welcome to purchase technical support in 8 hour blocks. This will provide you with hands on (SSH) assistance to solve Telium product installation/configuration issues. Communication is by e-mail only. You will be assisted by a technical support representative. Assistance is delivered/consumed in increments of 60 minutes. Please note that it is not economical for Telium to offer support in blocks of less than 8 hours. All support hours purchased expire in 90 days.

Telium also undertakes professional service engagements to design, build, integrate, customize, etc. whatever you need. These projects typically start in value at $1M USD, are managed by a project manager, and are staffed by Telium engineers and consultants. Staff can work on site at your location or at Telium's offices in Waterloo Canada. Communications is by phone/video conference/in person.

Telium might undertake a smaller professional services engagement depending on the nature of the project. However, Telium does not normally divert engineering or management resources for smaller engagements. These engagements must be well defined and documented (by the customer) software development projects, and are undertaken for customers who have a substantial existing relationship with Telium.

Professional service engagement fees are exclusive of any product license costs, third party product costs, or associated costs. Neither support nor engineering staff can generate licenses unless an applicable maintenance agreement is already in place.
No, each host running a licensed copy of PBXSync must hold a unique license file. This applies regardless of activation method.

In the case of cloud activation or VLS activation, the clients running the duplicate license will be downgraded to the free edition upon detection of the duplicate license. After removing the duplicate license from the offending host, your must restart the PBXSync service on both hosts.

If you are using cloud activation, you must contact Telium support to request the license be unlocked. Assuming the licenses in question are covered by a maintenance agreement then there is no charge for the unlock (up to 3 times per year). After 3 unlocks, or if the product is not covered by a maintenance agreement, there is a $500 charge to unlock the license.
Usually the answer is yes. But, we also reserve the right to set a minimum order quantity for particular customers/industries. In particular, if a customer has a lengthy and complex procurement cycle, requires agreement to their own contracts/terms/conditions , or generally incurs additional costs (legal, accounting, etc). then Telium will enforce a minimum order quantity (MOQ). If the consumer is not known at the time of quote or purchase then a MOQ will apply, and may be adjusted upwards at time of purchase at Telium's discretion.

Telium tries to avoid enforcing an MOQ with any quote/purchase. However, if the sales team determines that servicing a particular customer involves an excessive level of cost then a MOQ will be in force. MOQ levels may be 10/50/100 licenses depending on the situation.
If your PBXSync maintenance has expired then you can re-institute (i.e. purchase) a maintenance agreement + new base license and continue to receive full support and upgrades. A second option is to purchase hourly support (2 hour minimum) and we can offer support for PBXSync or anything else we are qualified to help with. A third option is to post your question in the forums and then you can receive help from other users. Telium's support team will also respond to forum questions on a best effort basis.

NOTE: due to spam problems users can only post questions to forums using the contact form. If you have been directed to this FAQ by the technical support team then they have probably already posted the question for you. Keep an eye on the posting to check for responses.
It depends. If you have a regular Maintenance Agreement for one of our commercial off the shelf products, then we strive to solve (not just respond) your problem within 2 hours. If such a request is unanswered for more than 2 hours then we start moving engineers into the support department to help answer questions. On the outside your problem should be resolved within 4 hours.

If you have a priority maintenance agreement with 24/7 support then your request follows a different path. Your request moves to the head of the support queue. If it is not responded to within 30 minutes the request is escalated to the account manager (ringing his cell phone wherever he/she is, any time day or night). If not responded to within 1 hour the VP Engineering and VP Sales & Service will receive similar notifications on their cell phones. We strive to resolve all priority maintenance requests within 1 hour. If your maintenance agreement contains an SLA / response time clause, then those terms override the above.

All support requests start in a triage queue that is monitored 24/7. Requests fitting into either of the above categories are dealt with quickly in the timelines specified. All other requests (e.g. after hours product information requests, technical requests from users of the Free Edition, technical requests from users with expired maintenance agreements) are dealt with on a best effort basis. Some requests are forward to the admin / marketing team to answer, while others may be moved to the support forums. Please note that the technical support team cannot provide free support for either the Free Edition, or expired licenses. We realize that it can be frustrating not getting free support, but we need to cover the costs of our support department. (So please don't send complaints about not getting support if you are not paying for support).
Yes, but with conditions. The licensing system used by Telium requires that the lowest link in the license chain be anchored to a physical device. When using a VLS, it becomes the lowest link in the license chain and so it must by anchored to some physical device which has been certified by Telium's license provider.

If you have purchased a physical server from Telium, then that device is already certified and the VLS can operate without any external cloud access/dongle/etc. If you wish to use your own server to run the VLS, then you must provide a means to activate the VLS software (see https://telium.io/en/activation/).

If you plan to run the VLS natively on hardware (not virtualized), and that hardware has been certified by Telium's license software provider, then you will not need any external cloud access/dongle/etc since you can use Hardware Fingerprint activation. Please provide the exact make & model of your planned VLS server to Telium before purchasing a software only VLS license, to ensure the resulting solution will meet your needs.

Note that the license provider does not publish a list of certified equipment, as they feel doing so may make it possible to reverse engineer how the license anchor operates. Instead, we can submit and make & model of hardware and they will provide confirmation of certification.
In general we recommend that you save the PBXSync package file you download from the Telium website at time of installation. However, so long as you have a maintenance agreement in place, you should be able to download the latest package file and install it. If for some reason you need the old package file (and your maintenance agreement is still active), we will try to restore an old package file from a backup for you. Please note that we do not archive every release of every product, so we can't guarantee that we will find exactly what you are looking for.

If you do not have an active Maintenance Agreement, then we will still do our best to help you. In such a case we would charge for 4 hours of support time to find a particular (or closest) release package, restore it from an old backup, and place it on an FTP server for you. There is no guarantee that the package we restore will be exactly the one you want, or that it will meet your needs, or even that your license will be compatible. This type of work is on a best effort basis.
If you have engaged Telium professional services then we are happy to make recommendations on third party hardware/software. However, if we do not have a signed engagement letter, then we have legal exposure from recommending equipment without having completed due diligence on your needs. A signed engagement letter includes provisions to limit Telium's liability / exposure, and without this protection we cannot provide any advice.
We are happy to subcontract or jointly bid on projects. Before Telium applies any effort towards writing a whole/portion of a proposal, we must ensure that our portion is substantial, and the rewards justify project and partner risk. If your organization has never worked with Telium before then we may suggest a simple subcontract relationship for the work you would like us to undertake. If we have successfully partnered in the past then Telium is more likely to undertake the cost and risk of joint bidding a project.
Once a product (e.g. PBXSync) license is issued it is permanent (i.e. cannot be revoked). For this reason we require prepayment for all licensed products.

If you have been accepted into Telium's reseller or OEM program, then you may qualify for payment terms. Minimum order quantities, minimum purchase history, and confirmation as an established OEM/VAR are required for acceptance into these programs. Please contact your Telium account manager for more information.
Yes, it's called the Free Edition, and is suitable for companies wanting to test if the basic product functionality & compatibility meets their needs. In addition, the Free Edition is a functional and useful synchronization add-on for SOHO environments, more capable that any other DIY scripts, open source tools, etc. You can download the Free Edition directly from the Downloads tab. If you need help during installation you can post your questions on the support forum. (Telium support staff check and respond to forum questions at least once per week).

If you require access to the advanced features of the Commercial Edition we offer a trial package which consists of a Unlimited trial license and support to help you get up and running (priced equivalent to 4 hours of service). If you would like Telium to install the software for you, please add an additional 4 hours of assistance to your purchase.
No. Support is reserved for paying customers only. If you are doing a proof of concept (POC) then we recommend downloading the Free Edition of PBXsync and purchasing 4 hours of Telium support for your POC. This will allow us to support you just as if you had purchased a full commercial license. If your POC is succesful, then this investment can carry forward to your production environment since there is no difference between the Free and Commercial Editions of PBXsync in terms of setup and configuration. If the Free Edition meets your needs and you are just looking for some help or advice during installation and configuration, then please visit the support forums. You might find the answers to your questions are already there.
3 licenses. A single PBXsync license applies to a single server, so if you buy 3 licenses you can install PBXsync on 3 servers. If you are buying the Flex edition, then you will have to ensure you also select the option to allow each PBXsync to connect to 2 other hosts.
In order to keep PBXsync's price to a minimum, the product can be licensed by the "remote host". So if your server is only connecting to one other host, then you need a single Flex license per server. If you have 5 servers you wish to synchronize, then you will need a single Flex license per server as well as 4 remote host options per server. Note that the 'Flex' edition of PBXsync introduces some other limitations to keep the edition price to a minimum.
No. PBXsync does not use any shared hardware, software, logical devices, etc. This design meets the most stringent of standards such as those demanded by 911/PSAP call centers. Inexpensive/do-it-yourself solutions use shared storage (eg: SMB,DRBD,NFS,iSCSI) to share a logical disk between servers, but this means that disk corruption caused by one failing server immediately corrupts the data of the other server(s). If you combined PBXsync with HAast then you can replicate between clusters and rest assured that you will never replicate corrupted data.
A load balancer distributes calls over multiple destinations, applying rules for load, sequence, etc. A load balancer does not share or synchronize configuration data, files, etc. between servers. PBXsync can work with a load balancer to create a federation of PBX's that Share configuration data, voicemails, tftp files, etc.
No. PBXsync has no hardware/software/Asterisk sensing capabilities. PBXsync can detect when Asterisk is on/off and use that in deciding which remote host to use as a source for synchronization, but this detection is very simple.
Yes. Unlike simplistic synchronization solutions, PBXsync allows servers to be any distance apart. PBXsync does not use any LAN-centric protocols like NFS, DRBD, SMB, etc. which break down over WAN's or variable latency networks.

PBXsync is ideal for synchronizing remote backup data centers, synchronization across a large number of branch offices, etc. PBXsync automatically adjusts to compensate for high network latency, server responsiveness, connection variability, etc.
No, PBXsync comes pre-compiled for most major Linux distributions and architectures. However, depending on the age/distribution of your Linux OS you may have to find/compile/install prerequisite packages to ensure compatability.
Yes, if you like. The license price includes support (see the editions page), but not setup for you. If you are having difficulty during installation then you can contact us for help. The Unlimited edition includes remote access (i.e. SSH) support for more hands-on problem resolution.

If you would like us to set up the software for you, you will need to purchase additional support hours. The average time to set up PBXsync is 4 hours (on 2 Asterisk servers), and may go up from there depending on your environment and needs.

Please note that this estimate is based on direct SSH access (optionally through a VPN). If we need to use a remote desktop (eg: RDP, Webex, Teamviewer) to an SSH console, then installation time will increase by 100%. If we need to use a remote desktop to a Java console / SSH emulator, then we generally discourage remote setup (due to lost/duplicate keystrokes, etc) or increase installation time by 200%. These increasing estimates are based on historical installation times and reflect a decreasing ability to multitask or use automated scripts in our installation, etc.
Yes, details on the number of incidents and duration of support is available on the Editions tab above. Note that included support is for PBXsync only. If you require assistance with network design, Asterisk design, network concepts, etc. then this support is available at the hourly rates specified on the Editions tab.
Yes - but it may depend on the license activation type you have selected. If you chose 'USB Dongle', 'Cloud', or 'VLS' license activation, then PBXsync will not care about any degree of hardware changes. If you chose 'Hardware Fingerprint' license activation then minor (physical or virtual) hardware changes will not impact activation of the license but larger changes may trigger deactivation. Be sure to pick a license activation type that suits the platform you are running on and your expectations around changes to the hardware. If you chose 'hardware fingerprint' activation and later need to make a major change to hardware (virtual or physical), then we will usually provide a completely new license for one node in a cluster, at no charge, so long as you have a maintenance agreement in place for that cluster. However, We will not issue new 'hardware fingerprint' licenses for both nodes in a cluster, as this becomes a simple way to bypass our licensing. If you need new 'hardware fingerprint' licenses for BOTH nodes in a cluster, then you will have to purchase an entirely new PBXsync license. (We will however offer a 25% price discount if the cluster being relicensed is covered by a maintenance agreement.)

Please ensure that you activate PBXsync only once it is installed on the final platform of your choice, and that you pick the activation type that's right for you. Please visit www.telium.io/activation for more information on license activation types.
Yes, PBXsync synchronizes files, directories, (MySQL) databases, and (SQLite3) AstDB databases, at intervals you specify.
The subtle differences between Linux distributions make it difficult for a single binary to work on all distributions. To address this, Telium compiles PBXsync on the most popular platforms and architectures. If you don't see your distribution/architecture on the download page, then Telium will create a custom compilation for you - if you are purchasing at least 5 Unlimited licenses (or their equivalent lines). In the case of non-PC hardware (eg: Rasbery Pi), there may be an additional fee for compilation.

PBXsync supports most modern Linux distributions, including RedHat/CentOS 6 or later, Ubuntu 12 or later, and Debian Squeeze or later. As for other distrbutions, if they natively include Qt5 libraries then they are likely supported.
Yes, but you should be at least an intermediate Linux admin. Installation involves editing config file settings, linking files, and installing packages using yum/apt-get. Depending on the age of your Linux distribution you may even have to find or compile a dependent package. However, our detailed instructions can help an intermediate admin get PBXsync up and running.

If you are new to Linux but want to try installation yourself we recommend using the RedHat / CentOS Linux distribution as it has the most mature support environment, precompiled packages, etc.
Both editions are actually the same binary file, so they operate identically; however, some capacity limits have been introduced and features have been removed to create a free product offering. Details of what features are available in each edition are listed on the Editions tab above.
Yes - You can safely upgrade your OS or Asterisk and then re-use your existing license. If you are within your maintenance agreement period, then you can also download and install the latest version of PBXsync at no extra charge. If a change to your OS or BIOS (or the OS affects the BIOS), then your system may report hardware slightly differently and in that case we can generate a new license for you at no charge. (Our licensing tool allows license regeneration if it detects the changes are minor). Please note that if you do not have an active maintenance contract, then Telium cannot generate a new license for you if something goes wrong during your upgrade.
Our business hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Eastern time. Our support hours mirror our business hours, but 24/7 support is available on a contract basis (priced based on the systems under contract). Our engineers will respond to support requests, product information requests, and licensing requests outside of business hours on a best effort basis (for anyone not covered by a 24/7 support agreement). Support is not available during statutory holidays or periods of company shutdown, with the exception of contracted 24/7 support.
Yes! Sometimes your needs are just a bit outside the core functionality of PBXsync and the event handlers offered by PBXsync don't meet your needs. We would be happy to quote a change to PBXsync to customize it to your needs. If you are purchasing 20 or more Unlimited licenses we may include some changes/enhancements to PBXsync as part of the base license price. If you are an integrator/reseller looking for compatibility with 3rd party hardware/software, please contact us for more details.
If you are using the Free edition of PBXsync, then yes. If you are using one of the Commercial editions, then no (we would go out of business if we did that). We do include free upgrades while your copy of PBXsync is covered by a maintenance agreement. If you wish to upgrade your copy of PBXsync outside of the maintenance period, then you would have to repurchase a full version of PBXsync. We do however offer a 10% discount when upgrading an existing license (i.e. using the same hardware as we have on file for that license).
It depends. If your copy of PBXsync currently has a maintenance agreement in effect (i.e. you want to extend your agreement), then yes. Otherwise you can no longer purchase a maintenance agreement and instead would have to purchase a new license (but we offer a 10% discount if purchasing a license for the same device). Please note that once a maintenance agreement has expired, our licensing system will refuse to generate a new license (the support staff have no way of extending the maintenance agreement).

If you are considering adding a maintenance agreement for the purpose of upgrades view FAQ 4220 above.
Yes! We want to know about it, and we want to fix it. If we have not discovered this bug yet, then we will also give you a no-charge maintenance agreement covering upgrades to the new version - even if your maintenance agreement expired years ago. If we have already discovered this bug, then we will let you know and you would have to upgrade under an update subscription to get the latest version (See FAQ 4220 & FAQ 4221)
Yes. Each license comes with a 3 month maintenance agreement. This allows for support as well as free upgrades during that period. If you wish to extend the maintenance agreement effective period, then you must purchase an annual maintenance agreement (while the licensed copy is still covered by an agreement). If you let your maintenance agreement expire, then you will have to repurchase PBXsync. (See FAQ 4221)
PBXsync has been designed to work with Asterisk 1.4 through Asterisk 16. Once the next Asterisk version grows in popularity it will be certified compatible as well.
Yes. Each of these products store their configuration and operating data in databases and flat files which can easily be synchronized using PBXsync. Note that the specific edition of PBXsync you are using will affect the degree of compatibility with your distribution. For example, if you are using the Free Edition of PBXsync with FreePBX, then you can synchronize the Asterisk config files but you cannot synchronize FreePBX® data stored in the MySQL® database. If you are using the Unlimited Edition of PBXsync, then you can sync everything.
Yes. Our channel programs are now completely volume based. We have 4 discount levels, the first is reached when you purchase a total of 10 Unlimited licenses (or the equivalent of 250 Flex lines). We only make additional reseller information available after you have reached this first volume level. If you purchase all 10 CU licenses (or 250 CF lines) at once, we will apply a first tier reseller credit towards that purchase.
Possibly. If you purchase a large quantity of licenses (100 or more in a single purchase) directly from Telium then you may qualify for our OEM program. However, to avoid competing with resellers we do not generally apply discounts to end-user / low volume sales. Please visit www.telium.io/oem for more information on our OEM program or contact support@telium.io for assistance.
PBXsync makes use of a variety of products/libraries, all of which are properly licensed for inclusion in the PBXsync product. This product depends on Qt5 libraries created by Digia Oyj, Valimotie 21, 00380 Helsinki Finland Tel. +358 10 313 3000, available from www.digia.com.
PBXsync is written entirely in C and C++. The distributed package includes some shell (BASH) scripts to ease integration with different Linux distributions.
Yes. Licenses are perpetual and transferable between individuals or corporations (but are not transferrable between devices if using the Hardware Fingerprint activation option).
Yes. You can always add more remote hosts to an existing PBXsync installation while it is covered by a maintenance agreement. Just contact us (see above) and let us know the license number and the number of *additional* lines you wish to purchase. Note that your line cost will increase to cover the cost of a maintenance agreement up to the end of the existing maintenance agreement effective period. If your PBXsync maintenance agreement has expired, then you will have to purchase a new license with the total number of lines necessary. (See FAQ 4221)
You are welcome to use the Telium forums, where you'll find answers to many questions. You can also post questions which can be answered by other users or by the Telium support group on a best effort basis. (We check the forums at least once per week to ensure questions are answered).

For direct and immediate support, you can also purchase professional services (support) by the hour from the Pricing/Buy tab above.
We welcome all resellers/integrators and look forward to distributing the product through your organization. However, based on experience we only place customers into the 'reseller' category once they have actually sold a large volume of our software. Until then, you are welcome to familiarize yourself with the product through the Free edition, and purchase support by the hour as necessary. (See FAQ 4226 for more information)
Yes, but...you should have a lot of FreePBX experience to ensure you set this up correctly. If your synchronization setup allows servers with different FreePBX modules or different FreePBX versions to attempt to start, then FreePBX will crash. Your setup must ensure all relevant data is synchronized together while the FreePBX is not active.
Telium understands the importance of protecting the corporate network and is pleased to connect to your secure environment using VPN. However, Telium cannot install custom VPN software for every client (there are a large number of open source and proprietary VPN clients out there). By default, Telium will connect using any Microsoft Windows supported VPN protocol (PPTP/L2TP/IPSec/IKEv2) or shared Cisco VPN protocol. If you need Telium to connect using any other protocol (or using a client tied to your VPN concentrator), then we must install your preferred VPN client in a virtual machine built just for you. So if you can't use any of the above protocols or you cannot port forward from your public IP, then you must purchase an additional 2 hours of assistance to cover our costs in creating a support virtual machine just for you.
PBXsync is short for PBX (Private Branch Exchange) Synchronizer.
PBXsync is available for resale by integrators for inclusion in their products and services, etc. High volume integrators are permitted to rebrand the product, but Telium retains the rights to the products, licensing, and updates.
The Free Edition of PBXsync will synchronize Asterisk® configuration files, but not information held in databases. So your FreePBX® configuration files (in /etc/asterisk) will synchronize and the servers will work properly, but if you edit the configuration on one server (changing the MySQL® database) you will not see these changes in the GUI of the other server.
PBXsync is targeted at critical and/or large-scale Asterisk operators who need to maintain a large number of Asterisk severs with a degree of commonality between them in terms of configuration, common files, etc. As well, commercial PBX installations that need to synchronize some or all data between two or more PBX servers can benefit from PBXsync. The Free Edition of PBXsync was designed as a trial edition for customers looking to try before they buy, but the 'Flex' edition can be used with smaller installations as well.
Yes. PBXsync is fully compatible with Amazon Web Services and other public cloud services. However, you must ensure that your server instance is configured to provide a consistent hardware profile (including MAC addresses) between restarts. For example, with AWS you must choose the Elastic Network Interfaces (ENI) feature to provide this consistent profile. Note that use of AWS RDS is not recommended; data should be kept within the instance.
Yes, our software and our licensing system support virtual machines and containers. Since a VM/container is too generic for our software to fingerprint (for hardware fingerprint activation), choose one of the other 3 activation types that best suits your needs. Note however that the Flex Edition does not support running in virtualized environments. As well, if you use a container then you must have access to the underlying physical host.
We have three types of distributor/partnership programs. The first is a reseller program which includes discounted products, additional support, training, etc. The second is an ODM/whitelabel program for device manufacturers to include our high availability, security, and telematics software with their devices. The third is a services alliance program where professional service companies can include the skills and capacity of our organization with their own when proposing / delivering services to clients. Minimum product volumes / service fees are a prerequisite for all programs. For further information please email/call Telium.
Yes. PBXsync supports encryption of all data between servers. This includes not only SourceLink communications, but also file/database information synchronized between servers. PBXsync supports FIPS 140-2 encryption standards to meet the requirements of PHIPA/HIPAA/PDPA regulations as well as requirements of PSAP/911/emergency services. (FIPS 140-2 certification requires OS level certification as well). Note that you will need support from Telium (and a qualified platform) to achieve FIPS 140-2 compliance.
No. Due to the risks involved in setting up your infrastructure (e.g. one click can wipe out an entire VM), Telium will not directly make changes to your infrastructure. This includes your cloud (eg: AWS), virtual machines (eg: ESXi), hardware (eg: via iLO/iKVM), etc. We may offer generic advice in regard to infrastructure, but will not make changes directly or offer advice unique to your installation if we consider the business risk too high.
Telium supports most major Linux distributions and architectures and appreciates that there are many differing opinions on the 'best distribution'. However, if you are new to Linux and looking for the easiest way to get up and running, then we recommend Red Hat version 7 (or the free equivalent called CentOS version 7). RH7/CentOS7 is a mature and stable operating system, and is the most popular Linux distribution within the Asterisk community. Major configuration generators (eg: Issabel, FreePBX, PIAF, etc) also use RH7/CentOS7 (but may rebrand it under their own name). All prerequisite packages for PBXsync are readily available for RH7 which also makes installation simpler.
No. Discount pricing is only available when buying a large volume of licenses. Even though you may be a reseller, buying 1 license means you are purchasing at retail quantities and we cannot discount the price (our processing costs are no different than for a retail sale). In the case of low-volume sales we recommend adding a handling fee to your order to recover your costs.

There is one exception however; if you have at least one Telium Certified Engineer on staff then you do qualify for a discount even for a single license. Telium is interested in building partners with a vested interested in proactively reselling our products. If you invest in Telium product training, then we will reciprocate with immediate product discounts.
Yes. Please visit www.telium.io/itsp for more information on our ITSP program. We offer volume discounts and other services to ITSP's / service providers to help them integrate PBXsync into their data centers and management systems.
Activation is a way for software vendors to turn on the features you have paid for in the software you have purchased, and a way to prevent software theft (or pirating). In order to offer the greatest possible flexibility to customers and minimize inconvenience, Telium offers four different types of activation: Hardware fingerprint (just like Microsoft does with Windows), USB dongle, Cloud, and Volume License Server. You can find out more information on how these four activation methods work here: www.telium.io/activation
Yes, just be sure you understand what that means. The maintenance agreement allows you to receive ongoing support for your purchase, and to apply updates downloaded from our website. If you only buy 1 maintenance agreement then only 1 of your 10 licenses is eligible for support, and only 1 of your 10 licenses will accept software updates. Note that once the included maintenance period expires you will not be able to install updated software since the license will not be accepted, or if you do update the software then it will operate as the Free Edition.
If you have purchased a permanent license (i.e. not subscription) then you don't ever have to renew that license - it lasts forever. Your permanent license can be tied to your computing hardware, a USB dongle, or an AWS instance ID. So long as you have those, your license will remain active.

Each license comes with a 90 day maintenance agreement, which you can extend to 1 year and then renew in 1 year increments. The maintenance agreement is optional but provides a variety of benefits including: 1. ongoing technical support, 2. free product upgrades, 3. potential to generate new/updated licenses if you change hardware, and more. Note that once a maintenance agreement has expired, then you can no longer extend/add a maintenance agreement to the underlying product license. For example, if you wish to upgrade the product while it is not covered by a maintenance agreement you would have to pay full price for a new license.
We realize that some customers (and resellers) may require Telium sign additional agreements such as partnership agreements, letters to bankers/financers, etc. Telium is pleased to consider and sign any applicable agreements, but these require review by our outside legal counsel. As Telium must offset these legal fees, any sale under $20,000 may incur a surcharge based on the size and nature of customer or reseller documents requiring legal review (minimum $400 per document surcharge).
If the Telium Support Group (TSG) offers to connect to your nodes remotely, then they require a direct SSH connection. (With optional VPN to connect to your network). The support group cannot connect to KVM/javascript consoles, VNC, RDP, GotoMyPC, or other screen sharing technologies. The Telium Support Group runs diagnostic tools against PBXsync directly, which requires access to the Linux PBXsync socket, etc. which is not possible other than by direct SSH connection. As well, for legal liability reasons all support sessions are recorded and this is not possible/practical with screen sharing sessions. Please set up a port forward for each cluster node, as tunneling between nodes is problematic when failover changes routes, etc. (It also allows us to use more automated scripts for diagnosis.) If you have purchased support time from the Telium Professional Services (TPS) team then that team can connect however you like, but will point out the limitations of doing so and the limitation of liability.
It depends on what you mean by "secure", and how many PBX's is "many". Consider these four scenarios:
1. The simplest solution is to use cloud activation, that's compatible with all VM's and scales easily regardless of how many PBX's.
2. If "secure" means no access to the internet, then using a USB dongle may be most appropriate.
3. if you cannot connect a USB dongle to the VM, then consider a network USB device or Volume License Server (VLS).
4. If "many" means more than 10 PBX's, then a VLS VM or appliance is most appropriate.

Please contact the Telium support group if you want further details or want to discuss which activation solution would work best for you.
Your USB Dongle is like any other physical asset in your IT department, so you should insure it for loss/fire/theft/etc., for the full value of the software. Once paired, a dongle will continue to work for whomever holds it.

We can replace one or more dongles, but their price will be the full amount of the software (less a 10% discount for replacing an existing installation).

If your USB dongle was damaged in a fire you can send it to us and we will ask the manufacturer to extract the serial number (a $250 charge). If the serial number can be confirmed then we will issue a replacement dongle at no charge (other than shipping). However, if it's badly damaged this may be a waste of your money.
Your volume license server (VLS) is like any other physical asset in your IT department, so you should insure it for loss/fire/theft/etc., for the full value of all software linked to that VLS. A VLS will continue to work for whomever holds it, so its value is determined by the number and types of licenses linked to it.

We can replace one or more licenses linked to a stolen VLS, but their price will be the full amount of the software (less a 10% discount for replacing an existing installation).

If your VLS was activated using a USB Dongle then see FAQ 4323 for another recovery option.
Many clients deploy Telium products into secure environments with extensive restrictions. This includes health care, military, government, emergency services, and other environments. Telium fully supports deploying into these environments and offers a variety of solutions to accommodate these scenarios: https://telium.io/en/activation-in-secure-environments/
If you purchase professional services as part of your project, your account will be credited with the number of hours of service purchased (at the rate in effect at the time of purchase). This credit remains active for 12 months.

After 12 months any outstanding balance will be forfeit. For this reason we recommend purchasing only the number of hours required during the subsequent 12 month period. Please note that if you enter into a separate contract with Telium then the terms of that agreement may supersede the above.
In order to offer the best possible value we try to balance expediency with price. In the event that your need is urgent we can help:

1. Payment: Wire transfer (SWIFT) offers the lowest cost method of payment (approximately $20 for the sender). It can take between 3 and 21 business days to arrive. If you need faster payment then PayPal (which includes credit card) may be preferable, as payment is normally confirmed within 2 hours. However, you will incur a 3%-5% processing fee (as charged by PayPal).
2. Shipping: USB dongles are shipped by postal service at no charge to you. It can take between 1 and 3 weeks for dongles to arrive depending on the destination country. If you require your dongles more quickly we can ship then by courier (usually 2 business days until they arrive). However, you will incur a shipping fee (as charged by the courier) which can range from $150 to $350 depending on destination country.
3. Activation: If you wish to begin full feature testing before USB dongles arrive we can provide temporary cloud based licenses. These licenses can remain active for up to 90 days.

Please ensure you leave sufficient time in your project schedule for the shipping and payment method you choose.
The licensing product we incorporate in PBXSync is fully compatible with Azure and AWS (and other cloud providers). This means that you can scale your instance up/down, move it to a new host, add storage, etc. and your license will remain activated.

Assuming you have chosen "Hardware Fingerprint" activation, the fingerprint is based on your instance ID and network MAC address. So just be sure you don't delete your instance (which will cause you to get a new instance ID), or delete your network interface / ENI (which will cause you to get a new MAC address).

In the event that you change your instance ID or MAC address, your license will be invalidated (deactivated). In this case you would have to purchase an entirely new license (full price). Remember that hardware fingerprint licenses remain active forever, so requesting a 'replacement' license bypasses all fraud prevention. We cannot give you a free or discounted replacement for a license which you have invalidated. (Our license service provider will not give us a free replacement license either).

Although rare, Amazon or Microsoft sometimes change the Instance/MAC format or reporting method (which may cause the license to be refused). This is not a problem, we can generate an updated license at no charge (assuming you have a maintenance agreement in place for the cluster). If you use a fingerprint license on a cloud provider we suggest you keep your maintenance agreement active on your license so that we can generate a new license if needed. AWS last made such a change in 2016.

Yes. The price is $200 to purchase one/two USB dongles in advance. This covers primarily the labor to create keys, cost to ship them, cost of materials (keys, packaging), and pickup charge by the carrier. You can also return the USB dongles if unused. You would have to cover the shipping costs, and upon receipt you would be credited $30/dongle, which would be applied to your account. If the total credit on your account is $500 or above, we can optionally send you a refund check or EFT.