Seguridad para Asterisk
Preguntas frecuentes sobre SECast
Preguntas frecuentes
Telium offers a 100% money back guarantee so you can rest assured you don't waste your money. Telium has adapted and evolved its software over many years to ensure compatibility with the broadest range of products and versions. When Telium installs and configures one of its products it will either work as expected or we will provide a complete refund (fees, licences, etc). The reason we are so confident is that we haven't yet found a PBX we could not integrate with.
We have worked very hard to develop a stellar reputation as a trusted and reliable partner - we would not jeopardize our reputation for one sale. Ask your account manager for more information about our guarantee.
We have worked very hard to develop a stellar reputation as a trusted and reliable partner - we would not jeopardize our reputation for one sale. Ask your account manager for more information about our guarantee.
From a compatibility standpoint there is no difference between our Free/Flex/Commercial editions; so if the Free edition works on your server then the others will work too. From a connectivity standpoint, a subscription (SaaS) license must contact Telium servers to ask if the subscription is valid; so your environment must allow SecAst to contact Telium servers over the internet (to TCP port 443).
No. Telium engineers require direct SSH access to the hosts. Use of remote desktop (including TeamViewer, PC Anywhere, AnyDesk, RemotePC, LogMeIn, Javascript Console, etc) can causes considerable delays and errors. If you must have installation occur using any remote desktop software then installation effort (and costs) will be doubled.
We recommend that you publish the necessary SSH ports externally, or provide VPN access as noted in FAQ 2042
We recommend that you publish the necessary SSH ports externally, or provide VPN access as noted in FAQ 2042
Yes. We build SecAst for a variety of different CPU architectures. Due to CPU/SBC issues We offer custom platform compilation to our OEM customers only.
Unlike generic PC platforms, SBC's may contain some significant differences in chipsets which would cause HAast to fail when probing hardware (to detect device failure). For this reason we do not offer generic non-x86 software builds of HAast.
If you are targeting a low power-CPU (eg: ARM) then we compile SecAst for the specific CPU model (eg: ARMv8.6-a) to minimize overall CPU load. Compiling for a specific CPU model allows SecAst to take advantage of advanced instructions offered by the specific CPU. We do no simply cross-compile for low power CPU's (e.g. ARM / OpenSPARC / RISC-V / etc.) for performance reasons - unless specifically requested by the OEM. Note that Peerlink (inter-node) communications are encrypted, and encryption/decryption operations benefit considerably from advanced CPU instructions.
In addition to compiling SecAst, we also compile dependent libraries if not already available for the target platform, and optionally interface with onboard sensors for health monitoring. Upon request Telium can compile a complete telephony stack, OS, etc. and deliver a bootable MMC/disk image.
Please contact your account manager for pricing details.
Unlike generic PC platforms, SBC's may contain some significant differences in chipsets which would cause HAast to fail when probing hardware (to detect device failure). For this reason we do not offer generic non-x86 software builds of HAast.
If you are targeting a low power-CPU (eg: ARM) then we compile SecAst for the specific CPU model (eg: ARMv8.6-a) to minimize overall CPU load. Compiling for a specific CPU model allows SecAst to take advantage of advanced instructions offered by the specific CPU. We do no simply cross-compile for low power CPU's (e.g. ARM / OpenSPARC / RISC-V / etc.) for performance reasons - unless specifically requested by the OEM. Note that Peerlink (inter-node) communications are encrypted, and encryption/decryption operations benefit considerably from advanced CPU instructions.
In addition to compiling SecAst, we also compile dependent libraries if not already available for the target platform, and optionally interface with onboard sensors for health monitoring. Upon request Telium can compile a complete telephony stack, OS, etc. and deliver a bootable MMC/disk image.
Please contact your account manager for pricing details.
No. Included in the license price of each product is the (optional) shipment of USB dongles. This includes handling (our internal costs) and postage (shipping by postal service with tracking and insurance). Telium uses the basic shipping offering which can deliver in as few as 5 days (or up to 3 weeks to countries like China or Russia). This time may increase in the event of postal disruptions or Coronavirus.
If you need expedited shipping then we can send the USB dongles overnight using UPS or FedEx. Please note that you must pay the full cost of expedited shipping in advance, and that shipments will not leave Telium until payment for the license and shipping have been received in full. Please contact Telium administration (admin@telium.io) with your mailing address to request a quote for expedited shipping.
If you need expedited shipping then we can send the USB dongles overnight using UPS or FedEx. Please note that you must pay the full cost of expedited shipping in advance, and that shipments will not leave Telium until payment for the license and shipping have been received in full. Please contact Telium administration (admin@telium.io) with your mailing address to request a quote for expedited shipping.
Although unusual, there are times when Telium must decline the sale of software or services. For example:
If a customer asks us to perform work for which are not qualified, or we do not have the capacity to complete the job to our high standards, we will decline the opportunity. We will not jeopardize our reputation by delivering poor quality work.
If a customer is rude or disrespectful towards any Telium team member then a Telium manager or executive will step in as the point of contact for the customer. If the inappropriate behaviour continues, then Telium will seek to the resolve the issue with the customer, and if not resolvable Telium will terminate the commercial relationship with the customer. Protecting employees is not just the right thing to do, we also have a legal obligation to ensure we don't condone a hostile work environment.
If a prospect is rude or disrespectful, then Telium will decline the opportunity to do business with the prospect. Rude or abusive behavior before we even have a commercial relationship usually leads to worse behavior once a project has started. In addition to protecting our employees, we need to protect our reputation; a single sale is not worth jeopardizing our hard-earned reputation.
If a customer requests that Telium participate in activities which are illegal or immoral, the account manager will attempt to find an acceptable alternative way forward with the customer. If the customer makes participation in these activities essential for project progress, then Telium will terminate the commercial relationship with the customer.
If a customer appears more interested in learning the names of our clients, details of our proprietary technology, names of key staff, etc. than the project/opportunity, then Telium will attempt to proceed with the project using an arms length relationship (minimal contact between Telium staff and the customer). If this is not possible, then Telium will terminate the commercial relationship with the customer.
If a customer asks us to perform work for which are not qualified, or we do not have the capacity to complete the job to our high standards, we will decline the opportunity. We will not jeopardize our reputation by delivering poor quality work.
If a customer is rude or disrespectful towards any Telium team member then a Telium manager or executive will step in as the point of contact for the customer. If the inappropriate behaviour continues, then Telium will seek to the resolve the issue with the customer, and if not resolvable Telium will terminate the commercial relationship with the customer. Protecting employees is not just the right thing to do, we also have a legal obligation to ensure we don't condone a hostile work environment.
If a prospect is rude or disrespectful, then Telium will decline the opportunity to do business with the prospect. Rude or abusive behavior before we even have a commercial relationship usually leads to worse behavior once a project has started. In addition to protecting our employees, we need to protect our reputation; a single sale is not worth jeopardizing our hard-earned reputation.
If a customer requests that Telium participate in activities which are illegal or immoral, the account manager will attempt to find an acceptable alternative way forward with the customer. If the customer makes participation in these activities essential for project progress, then Telium will terminate the commercial relationship with the customer.
If a customer appears more interested in learning the names of our clients, details of our proprietary technology, names of key staff, etc. than the project/opportunity, then Telium will attempt to proceed with the project using an arms length relationship (minimal contact between Telium staff and the customer). If this is not possible, then Telium will terminate the commercial relationship with the customer.
Yes. If you are registered in the OEM, VAR, or other channel program then we do offer discounted licensing. You can purchase up to 5 unlimited edition licenses of each product for $0 (free), but you still need to pay the full annual maintenance fee. (This covers our license and support costs).
The license you receive will be fully functional (everything enabled) but limited to 5 simultaneous calls. This should satisfy all development needs. Please note that these are Not For Resale (NFR) licenses, and you may not transfer these licenses to anyone outside of your organization. If you require an unlimited edition license with no simultaneous call restrictions for development, then you would have to purchase a normal license (undiscounted).
You may continue to use a developer license only while maintenance is active on that license. If you let the maintenance expire (i.e. do not renew the annual maintenance) then you must cease use of the license.
The license you receive will be fully functional (everything enabled) but limited to 5 simultaneous calls. This should satisfy all development needs. Please note that these are Not For Resale (NFR) licenses, and you may not transfer these licenses to anyone outside of your organization. If you require an unlimited edition license with no simultaneous call restrictions for development, then you would have to purchase a normal license (undiscounted).
You may continue to use a developer license only while maintenance is active on that license. If you let the maintenance expire (i.e. do not renew the annual maintenance) then you must cease use of the license.
Yes, the Flex and Unlimited editions of SecAst meet the "Commercial Product" criteria as defined in Far 2.101 (FAC Number 2022-04, Effective Date 01/30/2022).
The OEM edition of SecAst does not meet the criteria for "Commercial Product". The OEM edition may includes features and functionality not available to the general public, individuals, or certain foreign entities. As well, pricing of the OEM edition depends on the included features and functionality, as well as any custom design, development, and other engineering time invested in creating the specific edition.
The OEM edition of SecAst does not meet the criteria for "Commercial Product". The OEM edition may includes features and functionality not available to the general public, individuals, or certain foreign entities. As well, pricing of the OEM edition depends on the included features and functionality, as well as any custom design, development, and other engineering time invested in creating the specific edition.
Yes. However, this support is not included with the SecAst maintenance agreement. You would have to purchase hourly support seperately, with a minimum of 4 hours base plus 2 hours per device. This allows the Telium support staff to familiarize themselves with the equipment and scale effort with the number of units deployed.
In some cases there will be additional charges as Telium will need to acquire or lease the hardware/software in question to allow for Telium support staff to learn about the device. Even if Telium has used such hardware/software in the past, the 4 hour minimum is enforced for all products.
The only exception to the above is if the hardware in question is purchased from Telium. Third party hardware support is included with the base SecAst maintenance agreement, so Telium support staff can assist in the configuration and diagnosis of problems with the third party hardware. Please note that Telium regularly tests and re-tests 3rd party software for devices it resells, and maintains it's own library of drivers, patches, and other tools. Telium cannot provide any such drivers or tools unless the associated hardware was purchased directly from Telium. (Telium cannot legally redistribute any such drivers/patches/tools).
In some cases there will be additional charges as Telium will need to acquire or lease the hardware/software in question to allow for Telium support staff to learn about the device. Even if Telium has used such hardware/software in the past, the 4 hour minimum is enforced for all products.
The only exception to the above is if the hardware in question is purchased from Telium. Third party hardware support is included with the base SecAst maintenance agreement, so Telium support staff can assist in the configuration and diagnosis of problems with the third party hardware. Please note that Telium regularly tests and re-tests 3rd party software for devices it resells, and maintains it's own library of drivers, patches, and other tools. Telium cannot provide any such drivers or tools unless the associated hardware was purchased directly from Telium. (Telium cannot legally redistribute any such drivers/patches/tools).
Telium uses a third party service for its licensing technology, and all Telium goods and services which incorporate licensing must be managed through the third party licensing portal. We cannot sell (i.e. reactivate) maintenance on a license once that license number is flagged as expired on the licensing portal. The portal simply will not allow us to do so.
If we were to sell a product or service which equates to, or is similar to, a maintenance agreement outside of the portal that jeopardizes our licensing agreement (since we have a revenue sharing agreement this equates to fraud). We don’t want to say no to any revenue, but we are constrained by a strict agreement and we must act accordingly. If you have an existing license in operation that you want to reactivate then we do offer a 10% discount on license repurchase.
If we were to sell a product or service which equates to, or is similar to, a maintenance agreement outside of the portal that jeopardizes our licensing agreement (since we have a revenue sharing agreement this equates to fraud). We don’t want to say no to any revenue, but we are constrained by a strict agreement and we must act accordingly. If you have an existing license in operation that you want to reactivate then we do offer a 10% discount on license repurchase.
You are welcome to purchase technical support in 40 hour blocks. This will provide you with hands on (SSH) assistance to solve Telium product installation/configuration issues. Communication is by e-mail only. You will be assisted by a technical support representative. Assistance is delivered/consumed in increments of 1 hour. Please note that it is not economical for Telium to offer support in blocks of less than 40 hours. All support hours purchased expire in 180 days.
Telium also undertakes professional service engagements to design, build, integrate, customize, etc. whatever you need. These projects typically start in value at $1M USD, are managed by a project manager, and are staffed by Telium engineers and consultants. Staff can work on site at your location or at Telium's offices in Waterloo Canada. Communications is by phone/video conference/in person.
Telium might undertake a smaller professional services engagement depending on the nature of the project. However, Telium does not normally divert engineering or management resources for smaller engagements. These engagements must be well defined and documented (by the customer) software development projects, and are undertaken for customers who have a substantial existing relationship with Telium.
Professional service engagement fees are exclusive of any product license costs, third party product costs, or associated costs. Neither support nor engineering staff can generate licenses unless an applicable maintenance agreement is already in place.
Telium also undertakes professional service engagements to design, build, integrate, customize, etc. whatever you need. These projects typically start in value at $1M USD, are managed by a project manager, and are staffed by Telium engineers and consultants. Staff can work on site at your location or at Telium's offices in Waterloo Canada. Communications is by phone/video conference/in person.
Telium might undertake a smaller professional services engagement depending on the nature of the project. However, Telium does not normally divert engineering or management resources for smaller engagements. These engagements must be well defined and documented (by the customer) software development projects, and are undertaken for customers who have a substantial existing relationship with Telium.
Professional service engagement fees are exclusive of any product license costs, third party product costs, or associated costs. Neither support nor engineering staff can generate licenses unless an applicable maintenance agreement is already in place.
No, each host running a licensed copy of SecAst must hold a unique license file. This applies regardless of activation method.
In the case of cloud activation or VLS activation, the clients running the duplicate license will be downgraded to the free edition upon detection of the duplicate license. After removing the duplicate license from the offending host, your must restart the SecAst service on both hosts.
If you are using cloud activation, you must contact Telium support to request the license be unlocked. Assuming the licenses in question are covered by a maintenance agreement then there is no charge for the unlock (up to 3 times per year). After 3 unlocks, or if the product is not covered by a maintenance agreement, there is a $500 charge to unlock the license.
In the case of cloud activation or VLS activation, the clients running the duplicate license will be downgraded to the free edition upon detection of the duplicate license. After removing the duplicate license from the offending host, your must restart the SecAst service on both hosts.
If you are using cloud activation, you must contact Telium support to request the license be unlocked. Assuming the licenses in question are covered by a maintenance agreement then there is no charge for the unlock (up to 3 times per year). After 3 unlocks, or if the product is not covered by a maintenance agreement, there is a $500 charge to unlock the license.
Usually the answer is yes. But, we also reserve the right to set a minimum order quantity for particular customers/industries. In particular, if a customer has a lengthy and complex procurement cycle, requires agreement to their own contracts/terms/conditions , or generally incurs additional costs (legal, accounting, etc). then Telium will enforce a minimum order quantity (MOQ). If the consumer is not known at the time of quote or purchase then a MOQ will apply, and may be adjusted upwards at time of purchase at Telium's discretion.
Telium tries to avoid enforcing an MOQ with any quote/purchase. However, if the sales team determines that servicing a particular customer involves an excessive level of cost then a MOQ will be in force. MOQ levels may be 10/50/100 licenses depending on the situation.
Telium tries to avoid enforcing an MOQ with any quote/purchase. However, if the sales team determines that servicing a particular customer involves an excessive level of cost then a MOQ will be in force. MOQ levels may be 10/50/100 licenses depending on the situation.
If your SecAst maintenance has expired then you can re-institute (i.e. purchase) a maintenance agreement + new base license and continue to receive full support and upgrades. A second option is to purchase hourly support (2 hour minimum) and we can offer support for SecAst or anything else we are qualified to help with. A third option is to post your question in the forums and then you can receive help from other users. Telium's support team will also respond to forum questions on a best effort basis.
NOTE: due to spam problems users can only post questions to forums using the contact form. If you have been directed to this FAQ by the technical support team then they have probably already posted the question for you. Keep an eye on the posting to check for responses.
NOTE: due to spam problems users can only post questions to forums using the contact form. If you have been directed to this FAQ by the technical support team then they have probably already posted the question for you. Keep an eye on the posting to check for responses.