Alta disponibilidade para FreeSWITCH
Perguntas frequentes sobre HAfs
Perguntas Frequentemente Feitas
Yes, it's called the Free Edition, and is suitable for companies wanting to test if the basic product functionality & compatibility meet their needs. In addition, the Free Edition is a functional and useful high availability add-on for home environments, more capable that any other DIY scripts, etc. You can download the Free Edition directly from the Downloads tab. If you need help during installation you can post your questions on the support forum. (Telium support staff check and respond to forum questions at least once per week).
If you require access to the advanced features of the Commercial Edition we offer a time limited trial package which consists of an Unlimited trial license and support to help you get up and running (priced at 50% of the Unlimited).
Please note that in commercial environments you may not use the Free Edition of HAfs for more than 90 days. See the License tab for more information.
If you require access to the advanced features of the Commercial Edition we offer a time limited trial package which consists of an Unlimited trial license and support to help you get up and running (priced at 50% of the Unlimited).
Please note that in commercial environments you may not use the Free Edition of HAfs for more than 90 days. See the License tab for more information.
No. Support is reserved for paying customers only. If you are doing a proof of concept (POC) then we recommend downloading the Free Edition of HAfs and purchasing 4 hours of Telium support for your POC, which will allow us to support you just as if you had purchased a full commercial license. If your POC is successful then this investment can carry forward to your production environment since there is no difference between the Free and Commercial Editions of HAfs in terms of setup and configuration. If the Free Edition meets your needs and you are just looking for some help or advice during installation and configuration, then please visit the support forums. You might find the answers to your questions are already there.
Please note that in commercial environments you may not use the Free Edition of HAfs for more than 90 days. See the License tab for more information.
Please note that in commercial environments you may not use the Free Edition of HAfs for more than 90 days. See the License tab for more information.
There are many ways to handle this, but our clients have had success using PRI-to-SIP converters (eg: Digium and RedFone), or network / PC controllable AB switches (eg: beroNet 'berofos' failover switch, Electro Standards Laboratories 'Path Way' switch).
There are many ways to handle this, but our clients have had success using Analog-to-SIP gateways (eg: BeroNet FXO VoIP Gateway), or PC controllable A/B switches (eg: beroNet 'berofos' failover switch, Electro Standards Laboratories 'Path Way' switch). For best results use an Analog-to-SIP gateway, particularly if in an area with older Telco switching equipement.
Yes - but it may depend on the license activation type you have selected. If you chose 'USB Dongle', 'Cloud', or 'VLS', license activation then HAast will not care about any degree of hardware changes. If you chose 'Hardware Fingerprint' license activation, then (physical or virtual) hardware changes may impact activation of the license. The degree of change permitted depends on how much hardware there is to fingerprint (if there is little physical hardware to fingerprint then even a minor change may trigger deactivation).
If you chose 'hardware fingerprint' activation and cause your license to deactivate due to hardware change, then we can issue you a new license at no charge (assuming the system is covered by a maintenance agreement, and the degree of change is minor). If you do not have a maintenance agreement in place, or the degree of change is major, then you would have to purchase a new license. Please note that the license service that Telium uses will NOT allow us to generate a new license if the maintenance agreement has expired.
If you need a new 'hardware fingerprint' license then you will have to purchase an entirely new HAast license. (We may however offer a 25% price discount if the device being relicensed has a fingerprint very similar to the old license ) As well, please ensure that you activate HAast only once it is installed on the final platform of your choice, and that you pick the activation type that's right for you. Please visit https://telium.io/pt-br/ativacao/ for more information on license activation types.
If you chose 'hardware fingerprint' activation and cause your license to deactivate due to hardware change, then we can issue you a new license at no charge (assuming the system is covered by a maintenance agreement, and the degree of change is minor). If you do not have a maintenance agreement in place, or the degree of change is major, then you would have to purchase a new license. Please note that the license service that Telium uses will NOT allow us to generate a new license if the maintenance agreement has expired.
If you need a new 'hardware fingerprint' license then you will have to purchase an entirely new HAast license. (We may however offer a 25% price discount if the device being relicensed has a fingerprint very similar to the old license ) As well, please ensure that you activate HAast only once it is installed on the final platform of your choice, and that you pick the activation type that's right for you. Please visit https://telium.io/pt-br/ativacao/ for more information on license activation types.
The subtle differences between Linux distributions make it difficult for a single binary to work everywhere. To address this, Telium compiles and tests HAfs on the most popular platforms and architectures. If you don't see your distribution/architecture on the download page, then Telium can create a custom compilation for you.
If your are an OEM partner then Telium will create the custom one-time compilation at no charge. If you are a retail / low volume customer then Telium will charge a fee equivalent to 8 service hours to create and test the custom compilation, on a Linux distribution we can install and test in our QA and Release labs. Every subsequent update compiled for that distribution will cost the same, or Telium can negotiate an annual fee to make that distribution part of the ongoing release cycle.
In the case of non-PC hardware (eg: Rasbery Pi), there will be an additional fee for compilation since Telium will have to create an entire development toolchain for the device. In the case of Linux distros customized for specific vendor hardware, or which operates in the cloud, Telium must charge additional fees to procure or lease equipment, maintain external services, extend our development environment into a cloud, etc.
If your are an OEM partner then Telium will create the custom one-time compilation at no charge. If you are a retail / low volume customer then Telium will charge a fee equivalent to 8 service hours to create and test the custom compilation, on a Linux distribution we can install and test in our QA and Release labs. Every subsequent update compiled for that distribution will cost the same, or Telium can negotiate an annual fee to make that distribution part of the ongoing release cycle.
In the case of non-PC hardware (eg: Rasbery Pi), there will be an additional fee for compilation since Telium will have to create an entire development toolchain for the device. In the case of Linux distros customized for specific vendor hardware, or which operates in the cloud, Telium must charge additional fees to procure or lease equipment, maintain external services, extend our development environment into a cloud, etc.
Our business hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Eastern time. Our support hours mirror our business hours, but 24/7 support is available on a contract basis (priced based on the systems under contract). Our engineers will respond to support requests, product information requests, and licensing requests outside of business hours on a best effort basis (for anyone not covered by a 24/7 support agreement). Support is not available during statutory holidays or periods of company shutdown, with the exception of contracted 24/7 support.
Yes! We want to know about it, and we want to fix it. If we have not discovered this bug yet, then we will also give you a no-charge maintenance agreement covering upgrades to the new version - even if your maintenance agreement expired years ago. If we have already discovered this bug, then we will let you know and you would have to upgrade under an update subscription to get the latest version (See FAQ 6027 & FAQ 6028)
Yes. Each license comes with a 3 month maintenance agreement. This allows for support as well as free upgrades during that period. If you wish to extend the maintenance agreement effective period then you must purchase an annual maintenance agreement (while the licensed copy is still covered by an agreement). If you let your maintenance agreement expire then you will have to repurchase HAast. (See FAQ 6028)
Yes. Our channel programs are now completely volume based. We have 4 discount levels, the first is reached when you purchase a total of 10 Unlimited licenses (or the equivalent of 250 Flex lines). We only make additional reseller information available after you have reached this first volume level. If you purchase all 10 CU licenses (or 250 CF lines) at once, we will apply a first tier reseller credit towards that purchase.
Possibly. If you purchase a large quantity of licenses (100 or more in a single purchase) directly from Telium then you may qualify for our OEM program. However, to avoid competing with resellers we do not generally apply discounts to end-user / low volume sales. Please visit https://telium.io/pt-br/oem/ for more information on our OEM program or contact support@telium.io for assistance.
Yes. You can always add more lines to an existing HAast installation while it is covered by a maintenance agreement. Just contact us (see above) and let us know the license number and the number of *additional* lines you wish to purchase. Note that your line cost will increase by up to XX% (prorated) to cover the cost of a maintenance agreement up to the end of the existing maintenance agreement effective period. If your maintenance agreement has expired, then you will have to purchase a new license with the total number of lines necessary. (See FAQ 6028)
Telium understands the importance of protecting the corporate network, and is pleased to connect to your secure environment using VPN. However, Telium cannot install custom VPN software for every client (there are a large number of open source and proprietary VPN clients out there). By default, Telium will connect using any Microsoft Windows supported VPN protocol (PPTP/L2TP/IPSec/IKEv2) or WireGuard. If you need Telium to connect using any other protocol (or using a client tied to your VPN concentrator), then we must install your preferred VPN client in a virtual machine built just for you. So if you can't use any of the above protocols or you cannot port forward from your public IP, then you must purchase an additional 2 hours of assistance to cover our costs to create a support virtual machine just for you.
In general we recommend the WireGuard protocol due to it's simplicity of configuration, high level of security, and available open source implementations for most platforms.
In general we recommend the WireGuard protocol due to it's simplicity of configuration, high level of security, and available open source implementations for most platforms.
No - Session Border Controllers (SBC) are popular and can be beneficial when on-premises phones connect to an off-premises SIP switch (e.g.: Asterisk hosted by service provider, FreeSWITCH running in the cloud). In the case of an on-premises SIP switch, a SBC offers little benefit.
HAfs does not require an SBC, and in fact we have even encountered problems with some (major brand name) SBC's which improperly implement RTP hairpinning (which can occur when HAfs clusters are spread over 2 data centers on separate subnets). If you require or just want to use an SBC, we will work with you and the SBC vendor to maximize compatibility.
HAfs does not require an SBC, and in fact we have even encountered problems with some (major brand name) SBC's which improperly implement RTP hairpinning (which can occur when HAfs clusters are spread over 2 data centers on separate subnets). If you require or just want to use an SBC, we will work with you and the SBC vendor to maximize compatibility.
Yes. HAfs is fully compatible with Amazon Web Services and other public cloud services. We have worked with our license library provider and major cloud providers to ensure our license activation models withstand (virtual) hardware changes, power on/off, movement to new hosts, etc.
When you select your activation type (at licensing time) you can chose Hardware Fingerprint (if supported by the particular cloud provider) or Cloud activation. Hardware Fingerprint activation is tied to your cloud instance ID and MAC address of your virtual machine (so don't delete the instance or change MAC addresses), and can operate standalone. Cloud activation is not tied to any hardware or instance ID (but attempting to start more than one instance will deactivate the license), but must maintain contact with the cloud based license server.
You can choose the activation type that best meets your needs. Please note that if you invalidate your license then we cannot offer a free replacement (license validity is controlled by our license provider) - you would have to purchase an entirely new license in that case. So don't delete your instance or attempt to run multiple instances using the same license, or the license will be permanently invalidated.
Note that some customers extend their VPC into their corporate data network. This makes it possible to use Dongle based activation (with USB over IP), and offers considerable flexibility in licensing. However, this is an advanced topic and is beyond a FAQ. See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/Extend_VPCs.html for an example on AWS.
Once every one or two years cloud providers might change how their instances reports license related information. In the event of such a change our license library provider will provide us with an update, and we will in turn provide you with update product (and optionally an update license - if your instance is covered by a maintenance agreement).
When you select your activation type (at licensing time) you can chose Hardware Fingerprint (if supported by the particular cloud provider) or Cloud activation. Hardware Fingerprint activation is tied to your cloud instance ID and MAC address of your virtual machine (so don't delete the instance or change MAC addresses), and can operate standalone. Cloud activation is not tied to any hardware or instance ID (but attempting to start more than one instance will deactivate the license), but must maintain contact with the cloud based license server.
You can choose the activation type that best meets your needs. Please note that if you invalidate your license then we cannot offer a free replacement (license validity is controlled by our license provider) - you would have to purchase an entirely new license in that case. So don't delete your instance or attempt to run multiple instances using the same license, or the license will be permanently invalidated.
Note that some customers extend their VPC into their corporate data network. This makes it possible to use Dongle based activation (with USB over IP), and offers considerable flexibility in licensing. However, this is an advanced topic and is beyond a FAQ. See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/Extend_VPCs.html for an example on AWS.
Once every one or two years cloud providers might change how their instances reports license related information. In the event of such a change our license library provider will provide us with an update, and we will in turn provide you with update product (and optionally an update license - if your instance is covered by a maintenance agreement).
Yes, our software and our licensing system support virtual machines and containers. Since a VM/container is too generic for our software to fingerprint (for hardware fingerprint activation), choose one of the other 3 activation types that best suits your needs. Note that if you use a container then you must have access to the underlying physical host.