Página de Inicio Forums HAast (High Availability for Asterisk) General License for preproduction / testing server

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  • teliumcustomer22
    Post count: 3

    I’m deploying HAAst Commercial Unlimited edition for a large commercial client. They have asked for a second pair of servers for them to do testing, experiment with Asterisk, etc. Do I have to buy another HAAst CU license for the preproduction servers? They can’t use the Free edition because they are depending on the HAAst event handler system (which is disabled in the Free edition I think), but only run a few calls through the system at once.

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    Although it’s not listed on the website, we do offer a special Commercial Unlimited edition license to be used only for preproduction / testing environments. This license includes all functionality of the CU edition, but is limited to 5 simultaneous calls. This license is 1/2 the price of the regular CU edition, and optional maintenance agreement (for updates) is also 1/2 price. Please contact support@telium.io with your current customer number to purchase this license. (This version is only available to customers with at least 1 CU license).

    If your customer wants to run a high volume of calls over the testing system then they would have to buy a full CU license. We don’t distinguish between testing and production systems if both need full features and full call volume. (We also have to prevent license fraud – so a full license has to be full price).

    Post count: 3

    That’s perfect thank you, I’ll contact support for the testing license. I understand the need to charge for the license (some vendors require we pay full price for the second license of any of their products) so I appreciate the 50% discount.

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