Startseite Forums HAast (High Availability for Asterisk) Installation & Upgrade HAAst upgrade procedure (major version upgrade)

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    Post count: 204

    I will be upgrading from an older version of HAAst to the latest (2.3.5) and I see in the release notes (change log) that the peerlink version has changed, and the license version has changed. Does that affect how I must upgrade my cluster?

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    Since the Peerlink protocol verion has changed, the peers will not be able to talk to each other (over Peerlink) until both peers are upgraded. So if both peers are online at the same time they will not be able to communicate – and both peers will try to take over as active. Consequently, your upgrade procedure must ensure both peers are NOT online at the same time.

    Since the license version has changed, you will need to request new licenses from Telium. To avoid bringing down the entire cluster you should upgrade and re-license one peer at a time.

    The overall steps to performing such an upgrade are:

    1. Upgrade A
      1. Stop HAAst on peer A, wait for stop
      2. Run the install_files/ script from the newly downloaded package
      3. Unplug the network connection from A
      4. Restart HAAst on peer A
      5. Request and apply new license to A if required, then restart A
    2. Switchover
      1. Stop HAAst on peer B, wait for stop
      2. Replug the network connection to A, ensure A takes over as active
    3. Upgrade B
      1. Run the install_files/ script from the newly downloaded package
      2. Restart HAAst on peer B, ensure cluster forms
      3. Request and apply new license to B if required, then restart B
    4. Fallback to preferred peer (optional)
      1. Use the telnet/web interface to make the preferred peer active. (Or wait for automatic fallback during the maintenance window if enabled in the haast.conf file)
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