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  • Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 264

    You most likely moved or deleted the password file associated with your GUI. Or you might have applied a HAAst update which (until the version released March 2018) would mistakenly remove that file during the automated update (

    You can recreate the .htpasswd file as described in section 3.4.5 of the installation guide (Secure the Web Interface). I’ll repeat the Linux command here to save you from digging out the manual:

    htpasswd -c /usr/local/haast/web_interface/.htpasswd user1

    The above line will create username ‘user1’ and then prompt for a password to be associated with the username. To reset the password just repeat the process. Note that the “-c” parameter creates a new file, so it removes other username/password combinations from this directory. If you want multiple usernames for this directory please check the man page of htpasswd for help.

    (After March 2018 if you run to update your version, then your .htpasswd file will be preserved)

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 264

    HAAst uses “activation”, exactly as Microsoft Windows does. If you change your network card in Windows then Windows will operate in non-activated mode. You have to reactivate your Windows installation with Microsoft by phone or online in order to reactivate your license. Like Windows, HAAst detects the change and switches back to the Free Edition. Once you reactivate it returns to the commercial edition.

    We face the same problem as Microsoft or any other software vendor: piracy. So unfortunately activation is necessary. But, we are looking at an online licensing system so that you can move your license around (so long as your PBX has an internet connection). Many emergency call centers will not allow a dependence on the internet to permit their systems to operate, so for them we will always offer an activation license file.

    Please ensure you only activate HAAst once your hardware platform is finalized (this includes virtualized hardware). Most customers won’t need to reactivate an installation unless something fails (which might happen every few years, and we’re happy to reactive for you). If you need to reactivate every few months then you are doing something wrong!

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 264
    in reply to: Permanent ban of IP #6741

    Yes. First, ensure that the ‘managemanual’ setting in the [banip] stanza of your secast.conf file is set to true.

    Next, from the telnet interface to SecAst manually add the IP address to the ban list. For example:

    SecAst>banip add
    Issued request to add IP Check event log for errors, or use ‘banip list’ to confirm add

    After that SecAst will leave the address in your blocked IP list, and never expire the ban.

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 264
    in reply to: Max call capacity #6740

    The unlimited edition of HAAst does not impose any limit on number of simultaneous calls. From a practical standpoint HAAst is limited only by the capacity of your hardware, and the design of Asterisk.

    We have HAast “PBX” deployments with over 14500 phone sets, 3500+ simultaneous calls, 800 call setups per minute, etc. HAAst operates perfectly in those environments. We also have HAast “gateway” deployments (i.e. HAast is bridging calls and offering services, but is part of a larger telephony service) with tens of thousands of simultaneous calls.

    Properly sizing your host to support a desired call volume is outside the scope/role of HAast. But you need to consider many factors like transcoding (CPU heavy), recording (I/O heavy), bridging/conferencing, etc. As well, placing Asterisk inside a container or virtual machine imposes other limits on CPU and IO availability. If Telium is provide a turnkey HA solution we assume responsibility for scaling the solution to meet your needs; however, in general Telium does not providing hardware scaling assistance.

    For companies requiring HA for call volumes beyond what a single host/VM/container can support, we recommend running multiple clusters to achieve HA. To keep the clusters in sync we recommend adding our PBXsync product.

    If you are at the point of sizing hardware for purchase, we recommend adding 5% to CPU capacity, and 500MB to memory capacity for HAast, above what is demanded by Asterisk. (Which in the overall scale of these systems is negligible).

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 264

    I’m glad you are running the program with the -f parameter first, since that is a great way to identify problems.

    When you see this type of error (with “QObject”) it usually means something is seriously wrong with the system, often relating to missing prerequisites, libraries, etc. Our program is crashing as a result of these problems, and is mostly likely shutting itself down.

    Please review the installation instructions carefully, in particular the prerequisite packages needed, and you will find the problem.

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 264

    As an additional note, you may wish to have a look at our LoDi product. It can act as an outbound proxy / LCR / and more. LoDi includes an HA option so it might be an easy way to achieve what you are looking for.

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 264

    Yes HAAst can create a High Availability LCR / Proxy server cluster for you.

    HAAst’ health detection will automatically shutdown a failing LCR/proxy and start a healthy LCR/proxy. HAAst’s synchronization capabilities will keep the dialplan in sync between peers, and also all of your cost data in the MySQL tables. HAAst can even start/stop unrelated services (perhaps relating to LCR), customize data unique to each LCR/proxy, and more.

    HAAst has no problem with 1500 simultaneous calls, or setups, per second.

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 264

    That message means that the source IP is known to be used by hackers and that the connection attempts are most likely hack attempts. However, the user is using valid credentials!

    So if this blocking is correct then change the account name and secret for the account in question.

    If you don’t want SecAst to block this IP address you can raise the threshold for hacker detection.

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 264

    I recommend using the script file found in the haast-2.X.X-x86_64-XXX/install_files directory of the HAAst package you downloaded. This script will update all files to the latest version of HAAst. Just restart the HAAst service once complete. For example:

    [root@pbx2:/usr/src/haast-2.3.13-x86_64-rh7/install_files] $ ./
    HAAst file copier/updater version 1.5

    Verifying/creating directories
    Configuration directory [/etc/xdg/telium] already exists
    Configuration sensor/sync directory [/etc/xdg/telium/haast.conf.d] already exists
    Base directory [/usr/local/haast] already exists
    Events directory [/usr/local/haast/events] already exists
    Internal directory [/usr/local/haast/internal] already exists
    Web directory [/usr/local/haast/web_interface] already exists

    Verifying/copying files
    Config file [haast.conf] already exists, skipping copy
    Executable file [haast] already exists, replacing file in [/usr/local/haast]
    Internal helper functions file [] already exists, replacing file in [/usr/local/haast/internal]
    Internal release file [release] already exists, replacing file in [/usr/local/haast/internal]
    Web interface files already exist, replacing files in [/usr/local/haast/web_interface]
    Preserving web settings files [/usr/local/haast/web_interface/settings.php]

    HAAst files have been copied/updated
    HAAst overwritten with same version 2.3.13
    Executable, web interface files have been copied/updated. Configuration files,
    service files, event handlers, and sample files have not be installed/updated

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 264

    We don’t sell the LED lights directly, but we have partnered with a company called Cleware to provide them. You can purchase their LED lights here:
    Ampel LED

    We fully support the Cleware product, and can assist you in making the LED’s change color with our product state, etc. For example:

    • HAAst: Red=Standby, Yellow=Transitioning, Green=Active peer
    • SecAst: Red=Threat level high, Yellow=Threat level medium, Green=Threat level low
    • LoDi: Red=>90% load, Yellow=>80% load, Green=
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by WebMaster.
    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 264

    You are welcome to download the Free Edition of any of our products to experiment with the functionality, capabilities, etc., and to create a demonstration system. You can also post questions on these support forums for assistance (we respond on a best effort basis, at least once per week). All for free.

    If you would like a trial license (which enables all features) and support during your installation process you would need to purchase 4 hours of support (as a fixed price package). In return we will help you get a complete functional demo up and running. As well, since there is no difference in the code base between the Free and Commercial Editions, your client can simply add a license file and turn the demonstration system into a production system.

    Note: Trial licenses impose limitations to prevent the software from running indefinitely.

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 264

    You are welcome to download the Free Edition of any of our products to experiment with the functionality, capabilities, etc., and to create a demonstration system. You can also post questions on these support forums for assistance (we respond on a best effort basis, at least once per week). All for free.

    If you would like a trial license (which enables all features) and support during your installation process you would need to purchase a trial edition (priced at 50% of the Commercial Unlimited edition). In return we will help you get a complete functional demo up and running. As well, since there is no difference in the code base between the Free and Commercial Editions, your client can simply add a license file and turn the demonstration system into a production system. Will will also credit this amount towards the final sale if you decide to purchase the Commercial Unlimited edition.

    Note: Trial licenses impose limitations to prevent the software from running indefinitely.

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 264

    HAAst will make this failover transparent to your fax clients, so you don’t have to change anything! HAAst can do this by:

    1. Moving a shared IP address between cluster nodes, so the active node can always be found at the same IP address
    2. Updating a DNS entry, so clients will always find the server at the new IP
    3. And more…(search the forums for more examples)

    For example, we have customers running HylaFSP (with a HAAst based fax cluster). When the cluster fails over the HylaFSP clients automatically use the new active server (no manual intervention required).

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 264

    Yes HAAst lets you create a high availability fax cluster. HAAst will synchronize fax queues, logs, settings, etc. for Hylafax/Avantfax/iFax so one node can pickup exactly where the other left off. All fully integrated into Asterisk (so your fax extensions, trunks, etc. all move over automatically in case of failover). HAAst will also control other services, synchronizes other files/databases you need, etc.

    In addition to detecting an managing failover in case of equipment failure, trunks failure, etc. HAAst can transition the cluster in case of regional power failure. HAAst can create a cluster across different data centers, on different continents! So if you’re worried about the fax service going down due to a power outage in one city, the other cluster node can resume service transparently in a data center in another city!

    In the HAAst installation package you will see sample sync settings for various supported products, including Hylafax. After setting up your base Asterisk+Hylafax+HAAst software, just copy the sample hylafax settings file to the /etc/xdg/telium/haast.conf.d directory and that’s it!

    (Full installation instructions for setting up HAAst can be found in the /docs directory of the package, and full installation instructions for settings up Hyalfax/iFax/Avantfax are available from the manufacturers).

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 264

    Since the above post was written 1 year ago, the market trend has reversed and we are seeing more companies move their PBX’s off the cloud and back on-premise. Reasons vary but we have frequently heard that audio problems (due to latency) are forcing the return of PBX to a hardware platform under full control of the operator.

    On the high-end, cloud providers like AWS (even on their XL platform) are encountering latency problems at approximately 250 simultaneous calls. This number is not consistent but as of October 2017 we have heard from numerous large scale providers that AWS is not consistently reliable for large deployments. (Although we have a couple of HAAst users with well in excess of that number of calls on a single AWS instance). There appear to be variations by host/data center/region affecting performance.

    Telium continues to support any combination of on-premise, cloud, and hybrid. Telium would be pleased to assist with the design of any telephony environment, building on the experience of a wide range of customers.

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