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  • Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    I should start by saying that we don’t officially support this design because some of the steps involved are beyond the skill of an average administrator.

    If you are very comfortable with networking, iptables, and routing then the answer is YES this can be done. (But our support team cannot assist you further with this topic).

    Suppose you have

    • one NIC in each node
    • a single subnet (i.e. subnet) used by each NIC
    • Node A uses, and Node B uses

    and you wish to have HAAst add to the active node (while leaving the management IP accessible). The steps to do so are:

    • Setup the OS to assign the static address and to their respective nodes
    • Setup haast.conf to enable the VoIP NIC feature, and tell HAAst to use as the shared IP
    • Setup the HAAst pre-start event handler to add the following postrouting rules in the NAT chain to source-NAT all outgoing voice traffic (5060 + RTP ports) as the shared IP:
      iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -p udp –dport 5060 -j SNAT –to-source
      iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -p udp –dport 10000:32768 -j SNAT –to-source
    • Setup the HAAst post-stop event handler to remove the above rules.

    The end result will be that all voice related traffic will have their headers rewritten to show instead of (or Depending on the VoIP protocols you use, TCP vs UDP selection, and other socket services you offer you may have to expand on or customize these rules. But the above should be sufficient to show how to accomplish what you want.

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263
    in reply to: Constant failover #6856

    If the Asterisk control file (wrapper) is exiting with code 3, that means Asterisk is taking too long to start. I recommend you disable the HAAst service and manually try to start the Asterisk service directly.

    I suspect you will see a long and slow (or errored) start of Asterisk. The systemd service file included with Asterisk is not ideal for cluster use and can cause slow startup. If you are using systemd please try the service file offered by Telium here:

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by WebMaster.
    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    Note that Sangoma made a change to FreePBX in late-2019 (release 1904 or later) that could cause incomplete synchronization or other failure. We recommend that all customers using FreePBX with HAAst upgrade to HAAst version 2.5.9 or later to ensure critical issues are addressed. (Now even tables with invalid structures will sync)

    For further details of updates and fixes please see the ‘changelog’ file included with the distribution package.

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    Telium has certified hardware which allow users to plug USB dongles into a stand-alone device and connect to that device over the network. This allows USB dongles to be plugged into one device on the network and appear local to another device (physical computer/virtual machine/container).

    CoolGear USB-NET-4A USB over IP hub
    The USB-NET-4A is available directly from CoolGear here: or from Telium. This device is suitable for small and simple networks, and provides a budget dongle over IP solution. This device supports up to 4 dongles.  Note that Telium maintains its own Linux driver for this device, which is locked to the MAC address of the device (sold through Telium).  Telium does not make this driver available for devices purchased from other sources.  To acquire the Linux driver for a USB-NET-4A purchased from other retailers, please contact CoolGear directly before purchasing.

    4 Port USB over IP adapter

    DongleServer from SEH Technology
    The DongleServer Pro/Max is available from retailers and distributors worldwide. For more information visit This device is suitable for 4 to 20 dongles (per DongleServer), and offers a greater number of management and control options.  The smaller device (4 dongles) and larger device (20 dongles) function identically, and full Linux support is available from the manufacturer.  If the unit is purchased through Telium then Telium will include support (and setup assistance) for these devices within the included support incidents.

    20 Port USB Dongle over IP adapter

    If any product is purchased from Telium then we include support for the device as described in FAQ 1075. If you chose to purchase the device elsewhere then we cannot answer any questions about the devices’ functionality, compatibility, drivers, etc. (Please direct those questions to your retailer of choice). If you would like Telium to support your device, including configuration, setup, connectivity to the guest, etc. when purchased elsewhere then you would have to purchase support from Telium as described in the above FAQ. Please ensure your design considers compatibility between all software/firmware/hardware in your project as Telium is not responsible for third party devices or vendors.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by WebMaster.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by WebMaster.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by WebMaster.
    • This reply was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by WebMaster.
    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    The Free Edition is more for testing compatibility and basic functionality. It’s also (surprisingly) popular with small office / home office installations. It’s not meant to be a platform for capacity testing / full load testing.

    We do offer a full-featured trial (Commercial Unlimited edition) for larger installations, see our FAQ at for more details.

    UPDATE: As of August 2020 we now off subscriptions (monthly or annual) which might need your needs. It can be cheaper if you just want a quick trial but don’t plan to buy. (If you plan to buy then the trial edition may be cheaper)

    If you want to contact they can help you get started with a full-featured trial.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by WebMaster.
    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    Once RedHat 8 was released we stopped building releases for RedHat 6 (and the same applies to CentOS). Similarly once Ubuntu 19 was released we stopped building for Ubuntu 13.

    We have to build for 16 different Linux version-distro-architecture combinations, and supporting old operating systems is becoming very expensive. We continue to support the older releases of SecAst but we aren’t creating new releases for old platforms.

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    The Free Edition of SecAst will monitor systems with up to, and including, 3 simultaneous calls. The Free Edition is not designed to handle larger systems (and that’s also what causes the license violation & shutdown). For larger systems you would have to upgrade to the Flex Edition, or Unlimited Edition.

    If you look at the Editions tab of the SecAst web page, you will see the differences in limitations. As well the notes on the right explain further.

    We remove features and capacity from the lower editions (including Free Edition) to create lower price points.

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263
    in reply to: High CPU usage #6851

    The error regarding Ast log file is a clue. Associated with that, I notice that in you secast.conf’s [asterisk] stanza you have set the securityevents key to an Asterisk log file.

    This (securityevents) key is only for compatibility with really old (1.4 and older) versions of Asterisk. This setting also disables SecAst’s ability to get more advanced data from Asterisk. If you are running a more recent Asterisk version please set this key to blank (empty). We actually plan to remove this key in a future release of SecAst.

    Once you have made that change let me know how SecAst is working. As well, I suggest you upgrade to SecAst 1.6.x as we have added additional features.

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263
    in reply to: High CPU usage #6849

    To start, lets make sure nothing significant is missing/misconfigured. To diagnose:

    1. Stop the SecAst service
    2. Delete the SecAst event log (file)
    3. Start SecAst from the command line with the -f parameter (foreground)
    4. Post the screen output and log file (first 200 lines)
    5. Post the output of “ldd secast” (from the /usr/local/secast directory)

    100% CPU is very unusual for SecAst so I suspect something major is missing/misconfigured. If the above looks ok I suggest you post your secast config file (if you are concerned about posting email it to

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    If you are requesting a replacement license, we can use the license request already on file to create a new license file. (So you don’t have to send us any new file).

    If you have upgraded your software version at the same time you should generate a new license request to ensure compatibility with the new version you installed.

    Please note that we can only generate new licenses for systems covered by a maintenance agreement. If the agreement has expired you will have to stay with the old version or purchase new software to upgrade.

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    Licensing is a three step process:

    The first step is to request a license file after installation, which you can do by telnetting to the telephony server on port 3001 (for HAast/HAfs) or 3000 (for SecAst) and generate a license request file. For example:

    telnet localhost 3001

    HAAst telnet interface on ‘Ford Motor Company Lansing Call Center PBX’
    license request
    To create a license request, enter the information specified below. To abort
    the request enter a . as the answer to any question.
    Enter the name of your organization as it will appear in your license?
    My Company
    Enter a description for the local node (eg: pair 1 server B, or Texas,
    or Rack 1 upper)?
    Los Angeles Colocation
    Virtual machine detected. Automatically selecting Commercial Unlimited
    edition (Flex Edition not available in virtual machines).
    What type of license activation would you like to use: USB dongle Cloud, or
    Volume license server [U, C, V]? (Hardware Fingerprint option not available
    in virtual machines. See for more information)
    The license request has been successfully completed and placed in file:
    Send this file to to receive your license file

    This will create a file called haast.licenserequest in your /usr/local/haast directory (or hafs.licenserequest, or secast.licenserequest in the associated directory).

    Second, you need to send that file to and we will reply with a license file (and optionally send you a USB dongle if you chose that activation type).

    Third and final step is to copy the license file we send you to your telephony server. If you chose USB Dongle activation then there is one extra step: plug in the dongle and issue the “license usbdongle” command and send the code on screen to We will reply shortly thereafter with the pairing code for the dongle.

    When you are all done restart the HAast (or HAfs or SECast) service and you will see in the event log, or from the web GUI, or from the telnet interface, that the system is running as the commercial edition (whichever edition you purchased)

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    Assuming your nodes are and, then issue the following commands on both nodes:

    firewall-cmd –new-zone=haast –permanent
    firewall-cmd –reload
    firewall-cmd –zone=haast –permanent –add-source=
    firewall-cmd –zone=haast –permanent –add-source=
    firewall-cmd –zone=haast –permanent –add-port=3001/tcp
    firewall-cmd –zone=haast –permanent –add-port=3002/tcp
    firewall-cmd –zone=haast –permanent –add-port=873/tcp
    firewall-cmd –zone=haast –permanent –add-port=3306/tcp

    If you want to know exactly what the above does, here is a line-by-line description:

    1. Create a new firewall zone called “haast” and make it permanent (survive the next reboot)
    2. Add the local IP address as a trusted source in zone haast
    3. Add the remote IP address as a trusted source in zone haast
    4. Add the port 3001 (HAAst telnet interface) as accessible from the trusted sources
    5. Add the port 3002 (HAAst peerlinkinterface) as accessible from the trusted sources
    6. Add the port 873 (sync) as accessible from the trusted sources
    7. Add the port 3306 (sync) as accessible from the trusted sources

    Other users reading this post must consider their network topology and adjust the above to fit their needs. For example, if you setting up a firewall BETWEEN nodes, or IN FRONT of nodes, or ON the nodes.

    As well, if you use our subscription service you must ensure TCP port 443 (outbound) is open from each node.

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    The error you are seeing in the Asterisk CLI is due to an app not properly handling concurrent use of the AstDB (SQLite 3 database). When synchronizing the AstDB HAAst will briefly lock the database (with a SQL lock), at which point apps should queue their commands until the lock is released.

    Most properly designed apps respect concurrency by checking for the lock, then either blocking or retrying for a period of time, to acquire the lock. An overly simplistic application might not check for a lock, and simply report an error (“database is locked”) following an attempt to write. We have seen this error before with FreePBX and a couple of open source Asterisk add ons.

    Although the proper solution involves asking the app developer to correct their code, we realize that some developers have no interest in doing so (or become hostile if you suggest anything is wrong with their code). So until the developer in question fixes their code, we do offer a workaround.

    Create an Asterisk pre-start event handler (/usr/local/haast/events/asterisk.start.pre) in HAAst containing the following code:

    sqlite3 /var/lib/asterisk/astdb.sqlite3 “PRAGMA journal_mode=wal”;

    This will enable the “WAL” feature of SQLite3 – which effectively prevents reader and writer processes from locking each other out of the database. You can also issue this command from any bash prompt and you should see the response “wal”. If you don’t see this respnose, repeat the command every 10 seconds until “wal” is returned. (The command can fail if the database is already locked).

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    To attach the USB Dongle to the virtual machine running the Telium software:

    • Optional: install the free VirtualBox Extension Pack to take advantage of USB 3.0
    • Start your virtual machine
    • Plug the USB Dongle into a USB port of your host computer
    • In VirtualBox click on Devices -> USB, then click on ‘USB device to share’.

    VirtualBOX screenshot

    Once VirtualBox configures the USB connection, the USB Dongle will appear in your guest OS. Issue the commands ‘lsusb’ from a command prompt to confirm the USB dongle is visible. (Probably reports as ‘Philips Elite’)

    If you would prefer to connect to the dongle on a separate/shared device you can read more here

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by WebMaster.
    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    You can download the products directly from our website (without the need for a key/link). The “Free” edition you can download directly actually turns into the “Commercial” edition once you add a license file.

    You can request your license files at any time, after you have installed the product. Once the product is installed and running, you must telnet to the built-in telnet server and there you must enter the command “license request”.

    Answer the questions presented on screen, and then send the resulting license request file to (you will see more instructions on the telnet screen). In response you will get a license file (and optionally a USB dongle depending on the activation options you chose onscreen) from the Telium support team.

    For more information on activation options see

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