Home Forums SecAst (Security for Asterisk) General Need higher GeoIP accuracy

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    Post count: 204

    We are using SecAst to block connections based on the geographic location of each IP address. This is working well down to the state level (or ‘province’ or ‘region’ depending on what your country calls it), but we find that city level GeoIP restrictions are occasionally wrong. (Not often, but we cannot afford to block a valid device ever).

    We need to secure the PBX down to the city level, as we only want to accept SIP connections from 2 specific cities. Our users move within those cities so all other restrictions don’t work for us. Can we get higher accuracy somehow?

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    Yes – we are able to offer a significantly more accurate GeoIP database; but this is not standard within SecAst. As of March 2016 this option costs $1000 USD, and we would provide you with a much larger GeoIP database and a code which causes SecAst to use this new database instead. This database is certified down to a higher level of accuracy within the city level.

    Please contact Telium support if you would like to purchase this option. This option is not listed for sale on our website as this is not commonly purchased. We are also available to help you design alternative security measures using SecAst in case this is not the right approach for you.

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