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    Post count: 204

    I’m planning to download your software and install it myself. I’ve only used windows but managed to get Linux and PBX running using a bootable ISO image. How hard is it to install, and will you help me?

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    If you’ve never used Linux before, then installing any third party product onto Linux can be a challenge. Creating a Linux system from a CD/ISO is easy: click next>next>finish. So unfortunately that might artificially raise your confidence. Linux is not the most friendly system (compared to Windows).

    Although our products target large commercial installations, we realize that a some of these organizations experiment with Asterisk using one of the free configuration generators (like Issabel(TM), FreePBX(TM), Elastix(TM), PIAF(TM), etc). For the convenience of these users we can create a virtual machine with Linux & FreePBX & Asterisk & HAAst & SecAst preinstalled. This should help Windows admins get up and running quickly.

    If you want to install our products on an existing Linux PBX, then we’re here to help. We include support with all product sales – but I suspect you will exhaust the included support incidents quickly. I would recommend you purchase support assistance along with your software purchase. For a straight forward setup Telium can perform the entire installation and configuration with/for you in 4 hours, assuming this is a very simple cluster design. (But not setup your users/devices/dialplan etc in Asterisk).

    We have also helped customers create prebuilt software images to their specifications. (This is useful if you plan to deploy PBX’s to numerous sites.) We can create bare metal images in Ghost, dd, and G4L formats to suit your needs, which you can use to deploy new systems at your convenience.

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