Home Forums HAast (High Availability for Asterisk) General Configuring second FreePBX node using HAAst sync

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    Post count: 204

    I am using FreePBX 15 with HAAst to create my telephony cluster. I have fully configured my primary cluster node and confirmed it’s all working great.

    I have done a basic (default options) FreePBX install of my second node. Can I now use HAAst to sync the setup from the primary to the secondary cluster node?

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    No! Unlike most of the other configuration generators, FreePBX does something a little unusual. Every time you add a module (or even upgrade a module) to your system FreePBX might change the structure of the database / add tables to hold the additional data.

    So if you now sync from your primary node to your secondary node, settings would be lost because the associated tables/fields are missing on the secondary node. Conversely, if you now sync from your secondary node to your primary node, settings would be missing because the necessary source settings are absent. (See image below). This is why the HAAst installation guide and maintenance manual provide specific installation/upgrade instructions relating to FreePBX. Every year we have at least one customer that damages their FreePBX cluster because they did not follow the installation/maintenance guides.

    Similarly, updating a module might change table structure, and that’s why we say to disable any automatic updates in FreePBX. Most other configuration generators are smart enough to detect a configuration mismatch between versions/modules, but FreePBX does not and will probably break (dialplan failure) unless the two nodes are kept identical (in terms of modules enabled/installed/versions).

    FreePBX Synchronization

    Even if HAAst were to copy the metadata (table structure) as well, you would still have problems since the PHP code which makes up FreePBX will not understand the settings (if the code version doesn’t match the settings version). This may result in the PBX failing to process calls as the dialplan crashes, and/or failure to configure, and/or failing to complete an APPLY button push.

    To read more about how to properly setup your nodes with FreePBX see sections 3.6 and 10.1.5 of the Detailed Installation Guide, and sections 7 and 8 of the Maintenance and Operations Guide.

    If you have already corrupted your FreePBX setup and your cluster won’t process calls (due to dialplan fialure) see this forum post

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