Pagina Inicial Forums SecAst (Security for Asterisk) Installation & Upgrade SecAst not recognizing some excluded trunks in config

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  • Avatar photoCustomer Inquiry
    Post count: 204

    I have a large number of trunks I need to exclude in the secast.conf file in the [channelvolume] stanza, which I have entered like this:

    exclude= \
    IAX/1234567890 | \
    IAX/1234567891 | \
    IAX/1234567892 | \
    IAX/1234567893 | \
    IAX/1234567894 | \
    IAX/1234567895 | \
    IAX/1234567896 | \
    IAX/1234567897 | \
    IAX/trunkin000 | \
    IAX/trunkin001 | \
    IAX/trunkin002 | \
    IAX/trunkin003 | \
    IAX/trunkin004 | \

    After the fifth line my excludes are ignored. Why?

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    The problem is that you have a space character after the backslash on line 5 (based on analyzing the config file sent). If you add any character after a backslash it means ‘escape’ as opposed to ‘continuation’. So SecAst stops reading your excludes at line 5.

    The solution is to ensure you have no characters following the backslash character.

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