Pagina Inicial Forums SecAst (Security for Asterisk) General FreePBX crashing on SIP attack

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  • Avatar photoCustomer Inquiry
    Post count: 204

    We are running FreePBX (a bit out of date). Our FreePBX is crashing, and we can tell that an attack is happening based on our firewall stats. I’m running SecAst v1.4.8 and it’s not helping. Is there a setting I need to change?

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    You don’t mention the version of FreePBX you are running but we can guess the cause; based on the timing of your message we are aware of a particular corrupt SIP packet attack which appeared in June 2020.

    Please upgrade your SecAst to version 1.7.1 and your system will no longer be vulnerable to this attack. If you want want to send us detailed Asterisk/SecAst/Firewall logs we can help you confirm the cause and the resolution. (Please send by email, don’t post in the forum)

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