Pagina Inicial Forums PBXSync (PBX Synchronizer) Installation & Upgrade Errors / warnings after sync

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  • Avatar photoCustomer Inquiry
    Post count: 204

    I have setup sync but I’m getting warnings and errors in the haast log file like this:

    Result code ‘0’. Error code ’10’. Exit code ‘5’. Enable debug for further details.
    Result code ‘0’. Error code ‘5’. Exit code ‘5’. Enable debug for further details.

    I’ve been playing with the settings and I thought I was close but am stuck on the second error message now.

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    The first error means that the rsync process is not running. Please ensure rsync is installed, running, enabled, and configured as per the PBXSync detailed installation guide.

    I suspect that you actually solved the first error, since the second error means that rsync is running! But, the second error means that the rsync.pbxsync.secret file has the wrong permissions. Please modify the permissions of this file as follows:

    chmod 600 /etc/ rsync.pbxsync.secret

    After that your sync should work.

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    Some additional exit codes and their causes:

    255 – Likely a connection problem to the remote host. Check the IP address / fqdn of the remote host
    23 – Error during transfer. Check the file/directory being synced really exists on the source.

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