High Availability for Asterisk

Pick the edition that’s right for you





Health Analysis

Hardware sensor
Asterisk® sensor2
Asterisk® engine sensor3
CPU and network sensors
Environmental sensors
User defined sensors
Custom health event handlers


Asterisk® internal database (AstDB)
Files & directories
SQLite® 3 databases
MySQL® Databases & tables
PostgreSQL® Database cluster
Security & firewall4
Post synchronization event handlers
Custom synchronization event handlers

Call Continuity & Recovery18

Move calls in progress from active to standby node upon failover
Retain calls in progress by bypassing Asterisk
Retain calls in progress by routing through new active asterisk
Direct calls in progress to different endpoints if original endpoint missing
Resume call recording on failover19
Rebuild queues in-order on new active node19
Recover calls and conferences through call-back

Asterisk Compatibility & Clustering

Digium distribution
FreePBX® & PIAF® & PBXact® & AsteriskNOW® distributions5
Issabel® & Elastix® distributions6
xCALLY Motion® distribution
Thirdlane® distribution5
Genesis ISS® distribution
STARFACE® distribution
Xorcom CompletePBX® distribution
VitalPBX® distribution
Custom distribution
Pre/post start/stop event handlers7
Geographically dispersed peers8
Run in container/virtual machine

Management Interface

Web interface
Telnet interface
Signal interface
Socket interface
REST interface
Nagios & Icinga support

E-Mail Alerts

On state change
On OS signal 9
On sync problems
On health critical / failure levels

Call Handling Capacity

Unlimited simultaneous calls10

3 calls

Varies by license

Varies by license

Support 11

Support forums 12

Max 3 incidents per year

Max 5 incidents per year

Varies by license

Remote Access/SSH

Max 5 incidents per year

Varies by license

Lifetime License 13

One time cost


$275 /sc 14


OEM specific

Maintenance agreement cost (Optional) 15  

16% /year

$995 /year

OEM specific

Subscription License 16

Monthly fee 16  

$23 /sc /mo 14

$470 /mo

Maintenance agreement fee 17  




The following notes apply to the table:

  1. OEM edition pricing/features varies by manufacturer/make and model.
  2. Detects Asterisk® process alive.
  3. Detects Asterisk® engine alive, bridging calls, and dialplan processing.
  4. Synchronize banned IP's, watched users, threat level.
  5. The Free Edition does not include database synchronization so all configuration changes must be made on a single peer as a master.
  6. Issabel® / Elastix® version 4 or later required.
  7. Event handlers allow custom/different settings on each peer in the same cluster.
  8. Support for peers across large geographic distances with automatic latency compensation.
  9. Linux signal triggers sending of status report.
  10. Call volumes exceeding edition limits result in HAast and Asterisk shutdown.
  11. Support is only available while a maintenance agreement is in place. Incidents are pooled across mediums.
  12. Telium monitors and responds to support forum requests on a best effort basis.
  13. A lifetime license remains active forever without additional payments required.
  14. The Flex edition is licensed by the maximum number of simultaneous calls in progress, each simultaneous call is denoted as ("sc").
  15. The optional maintenance agreement is available in one year increments.
  16. A subscription license remains active while a monthly fee is paid.
  17. A maintenance agreement is included with a subscription license.
  18. OEM feature availability and pricing depends on manufacturer specific agreements
  19. Modification of dialplan required for queue and recording integration