High Availability for Asterisk
Create a high availability PBX
High Availability for Asterisk™ (HAast™) is a software package which creates a high-availability cluster out of any pair of Asterisk® servers. HAast can detect a range of failures on one Asterisk server and automatically transfer control to the other, resulting in a telephony environment with minimal down time.
HAast is a 100% software solution, with switch over in seconds. Built-in intelligent network control allows for a single IP address to be shared between peers, so clients/phones automatically connect to the active Asterisk server without change. Built-in replication and synchronization between servers also reduces maintenance and support activities.
HAast includes a wide range of sensors to detect failure/degradation of a node, its hardware, the network, the connection to carriers, etc. The sensors contribute to an overall health score which allows HAast to automatically take corrective action, notify an administrator, or worst case start an orderly transition to the standby node.
HAast is an easy to use solution, with shell (command line), telnet, socket, and web interfaces, suitable for beginners and experts alike. HAast is ideal for demanding telephony environments like call centers, emergency 911 operations, medical facilities, ITSP’s, and mid-to-large size businesses, as well as small-businesses looking for high PBX uptime using low-cost off the shelf components.
HAast does not require any other High Availability/heartbeat software, nor require use of shared disk/block level device etc. In fact, HAast does not share any hardware / logical device between peers, so there is no single point of failure. HAast is robust in functionality yet simple to set up and use.