Home Forums HAast (High Availability for Asterisk) Installation & Upgrade Optional installation steps for separate database server

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  • teliumcustomer15
    Post count: 2

    My database is on a separate server, not on any of the two asterisk peers. Please guide me if after installation do the following features are necessary as described as optional in guide?

    1-File & Directory Sync
    2-MySQL Table & Database Sync
    3-HAAst Performance Database Logging

    Post count: 4

    If you do not need:

    • file synchronization between peers (including Asterisk(TM) configuration, voicemail files, etc) then you do not need to follow any File & Directory Sync steps
    • MySQL synchronization between peers (including Asterisk realtime, FreePBX(TM) configuration, Asterisk add-ons) then you do not need to follow any MySQL Table & Database Sync steps
    • to track HAAst operational data (reports, graphs, etc) in the HAAst GUI then you do not need to follow any HAAst Performance Database Logging steps

    Keep in mind that certain features are only available on certain HAAst editions (see the Editions tab on the HAAst web page), so your edition may not even support the above features – so setup steps are not necessary

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