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Post count: 264

Since the above post was written 1 year ago, the market trend has reversed and we are seeing more companies move their PBX’s off the cloud and back on-premise. Reasons vary but we have frequently heard that audio problems (due to latency) are forcing the return of PBX to a hardware platform under full control of the operator.

On the high-end, cloud providers like AWS (even on their XL platform) are encountering latency problems at approximately 250 simultaneous calls. This number is not consistent but as of October 2017 we have heard from numerous large scale providers that AWS is not consistently reliable for large deployments. (Although we have a couple of HAAst users with well in excess of that number of calls on a single AWS instance). There appear to be variations by host/data center/region affecting performance.

Telium continues to support any combination of on-premise, cloud, and hybrid. Telium would be pleased to assist with the design of any telephony environment, building on the experience of a wide range of customers.