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Post count: 264

Based on calls to our support team the number and nature of support requests relates directly to the level of Linux and Asterisk expertise of the administrator performing the installation. We would estimate the expertise of administrators who install our products as follows:
Client expertise

As a result approximately

  • 50% of our customers never call/email during installation; they perform the whole installation and we only hear from them when they need their license activation. (These are the Linux & Asterisk admins)
  • 20% of customers get stuck early in the installation and are confused by a lot of the technical steps.
  • 30% are somewhere in the middle, but most of those have issues/questions relating to networking, Linux commands, etc.. (These are people with a bit of Windows and Linux admin experience).

The first group (50%) usually don’t need any support or additional professional services from Telium. The second group (20%) normally need us to perform the full installation (purchasing 4 hours of assistance typically). The third group (30%) sometimes use up their support incidents quickly, and we recommend purchasing 2-4 hours of support depending on the degree of assistance required.

Note: Of the Windows Admin (30%) group above, a few admins get stuck early in the installation and get very frustrated with Linux, Asterisk, HAAst, or our support reps (but they refuse to purchase assistance as they are very confident in their abilities). We try very hard to assist every customer – but it’s not always possible for a Linux novice to install our products. (Please consider purchasing support assistance, or reevaluate your need for HA)

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by WebMaster.