Home Forums SecAst (Security for Asterisk) General Can’t download files – all transfer types fail Reply To: Can’t download files – all transfer types fail

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Post count: 264

The most likely causes of your failures are as follows:

  • FTP Pull: Your firewall is blocking incoming FTP data connections (TCP port 22). You can either enable incoming data connections on your firewall (not ideal), or preferably, set your FTP client to use ‘passive mode’.
  • FTP Push: Your firewall is blocking incoming FTP control/data connection (TCP ports 21 and 22), or your FTP server is not running.
  • wget: You forgot to add the ‘–content-disposition’ parameter to wget when using the HTTP URL. Either rename the downloaded file to match the package name, or add the –content-disposition parameter when using wget.
  • browser: It sounds like your browser connection is being interrupted/corrupted, and the file you downloaded is corrupt. Verify the md5 checksum of the file and try again, or switch to one of the above (more reliable) transfer methods. Browser (HTTP) download is known to be unreliable.