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Post count: 264

Something significant has changed in regards to the computer’s hardware profile. If you are attempting to move your license to a new hardware platform please contact support@telium.io for assistance.

If you are not moving your license to another hardware platform and have not changed the hardware in any way then something else has gone wrong and we’re here to help. This symptom has been reported with HAAst installed in a virtual machine and the VM has undergone a virtual hardware revision upgrade. Similarly, if you have modified various BIOS settings your system might report hardware differently.

As a workaround restart the HAAst service, or restart the virtual machine guest. Please generate a new license request and send it, along with a haast log file showing your failed restart attempt (including the license rejection messages), and we will generate a new key for you and help you figure out what changed (so long as the system still has a maintenance agreement in place).

Please note that physical and virtual machines do not just change their configurations on their own – so be careful you don’t invalidate your license by experimenting with hardware or VM settings. Activate your license only after you have finished configuring your hardware.