Licensing That Fits Your Needs
Hardware Fingerprint
This type of activation is used by Microsoft Windows and is now the industry standard. Telium’s software computes a fingerprint of your computer hardware at the time of licensing, and that fingerprint is used to uniquely identify your computer. If someone copies the software and tries to run it on another computer, then it will fail to start (since the fingerprints won’t match). This type of activation does not require any special hardware or access to the internet, and is suitable to emergency / public safety phone service operators, PBX’s on secure networks, stand alone physical servers, etc. Note that if your computer is not fingerprintable (eg: if you run the software inside a container or virtual machine), then this type of activation is not available to you. If you are running the Telium software in a cloud environment (eg: AWS, Azure), then this option is ideal as Telium has worked with major cloud providers to ensure fingerprint consistency as your instance moves from host to host.
USB Dongle
This type of activation uses a USB device (known as a “dongle”) which we courier to you after completing your purchase. Telium’s software will recognize the dongle plugged into a USB port and then start normally. If someone copies the software and tries to run it on another computer without the USB dongle present, then it will fail to start. This type of activation is suitable to computing environments where hardware is not fingerprintable (eg: if you run the software inside a container or virtual machine), or where hardware changes frequently.
This type of activation does not have any dependence on computing hardware or USB devices. Upon start, the software will contact Telium’s servers in the cloud to request permission to run. So long as you are running only the number of licensed copies you have purchased, then Telium’s servers will give permission to the software to start. This type of activation is suitable to computing environments where hardware is not fingerprintable (eg: if you run the software inside a container or virtual machine), or where hardware changes frequently. This type of activation may not be suitable to emergency / public safety phone service operators if their environments are not permitted to depend on the internet/cloud in order to operate.
Volume License Server
This type of activation does not have any dependence on computing hardware, USB devices, or the cloud. Upon start, the software will contact a Volume License Server (VLS) running in your data center to request permission to run. So long as you are running only the number of licensed copies you have purchased, then the VLS will give permission to the software to start. This type of activation is best suited to customers running a large number of Telium products, such as Internet Telephone Service Providers (ITSP). Note that a Telium VLS must be purchased and installed separately.