Home Forums HAast (High Availability for Asterisk) Installation & Upgrade How to activate / request a license Reply To: How to activate / request a license

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If you have chosen USB Dongle activation, then there a few more steps required to pair your new dongle with your license. Once your dongle arrives plug it into the computer and restart the HAast service. Reconnect to the product’s telnet interface and issue the “license usbdongle” command. For example:

[root@pbx_qa_17:/usr/local/haast] $ telnet 3001
Connected to
Escape character is ‘^]’.
HAast telnet interface on ‘PBX QA 17’
HAast>license usbdongle
Your USB dongle has been detected but is not yet paired with your license.
To pair your USB dongle with your license send the following dongle ID to
support@telium.io to receive a pairing code :

Copy the pairing code and paste it into an email to support@telium.io and include your license number. We will reply with an activation code that you must enter. For example:

When ready enter the pairing code below (or . to abort)
activation code>46A9-9907-43DB-4F06
Your activation code has been accepted. Please restart the HAast service to use the activated license.

Now exit the telnet session and restart the HAast service. HAast will restart fully licensed and you are ready to use your licensed product. You can also verify the license by repeating the “license usbdongle” command, and it should indicate that the dongle has been paired to your license. For example

[root@pbxqa17:/usr/local/haast] $ telnet 3001
Connected to
Escape character is ‘^]’.
HAast telnet interface on ‘PBX QA 17’
HAast>license usbdongle
Serial number: 3040504215618650775
Paired: yes, on Tue Jun 14 17:52:40 2022 EDT
Locked out: no