Accueil Forums HAast (High Availability for Asterisk) General Thank you! What a team

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  • teliumcustomer2
    Post count: 1

    I wanted to send a big thank you to your team – and do it out in the open. We have a great network admin, and he never met anyone with more network knowledge than Judy. We have a great phone admin, and he never met anyone with more VoIP/Asterisk expertise than Daniel. And your project manager, Steve, seemed to know even more than the team members! Wow.

    You came in on time, on budget, and with top notch quality. I appreciate your team coming on site to help us shut down our Nortel switch and move everything to Asterisk. (And I didn’t even realize Steve once worked for Nortel). Everything is stable and running smoothly. Even our Digium Asterisk consultant was blown away by you guys.

    So to Judy, Daniel, and Steve, a big thank you!!!! (and to Christine, Jason, and Doug who helped remotely thanks to you too).

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    I’ve passed along your thanks to the entire account team. We think we have a pretty exceptional group of people here, and its great to hear our customers feel the same way.

    BTW Steve is our CTO, and he really knows his stuff. Steve is personally involved in every large project, and also does quality reviews of smaller projects as well. Given the size of your project Steve (and lots of behind the scenes team members) gave the project lots of attention.

    The account manager will follow up by phone as well, we’d appreciate a testimonial for the Telium website.

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