Accueil Forums HAast (High Availability for Asterisk) General Slow turnaround for integration project

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  • Avatar photoCustomer Inquiry
    Post count: 204

    We have been working with our customer for 6 months and finally got the project approved today. They need everything running in 2 weeks, but when we wanted to order equipment from you today you said it’s 3-4 weeks to delivery, and you can’t book in your engineers for 3 weeks. This is unacceptably slow and our customer is not impressed given this has been in the works for 6 months!

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    I completely understand your frustration. However, even though you have been in discussions with your CUSTOMER for 6 months you have not included Telium in your plans (you did not give TELIUM 6 months lead time, you gave us 2 weeks). The equipment you ordered today must be shipped to us internationally, setup and tested, and then shipped to you. Our professional services staff (project engineers) staff are usually booked weeks ahead.

    In the future you may wish to involve Telium in the process earlier, order equipment further in advance, and book Telium engineering time further in advance. We also recommend a 60 day burn-in period for all hardware before deployment (particularly for emergency services or mission critical systems). We are happy to do this for you, but this adds even more lead time to the project. Our VARs and integrators typically schedule projects to go live at least 90 days out to account for all of the lead times and uncertainties involved in a project. Giving Telium 2 weeks notice is just too short for what you are asking. In fairness the frustration you are experiencing is not because of Telium; it’s because something has gone wrong in the project plan well before you placed the order with Telium.

    You are always welcome to contact your account manager, or escalate to our VP Engineering or VP Sales for help. We try very hard to exceed the expectations of our customers (and we have a stellar reputation to prove it). We will always do whatever we can to help.

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