Accueil Forums HAast (High Availability for Asterisk) General How to view debuglog.tef files

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  • Avatar photoCustomer Inquiry
    Post count: 204

    I have turned on debugging throughout the program, and I now see a variety of files created; some with extension “debuglog” and others with extension “debuglog.tef”.

    I can view the debuglog files in an editor, but the debuglog.tef files show up as jibberish in the editor. How do I view those files?

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    Files with “debuglog” and “debuglog.tef” extensions contain diagnostic information to do with the operation of the services. (Eg: SecAst, HAAst, PBXsync, etc)

    Files with “debuglog” extension are plain text, and you can view them in any editor or from the command prompt using the ‘cat’ command.

    Files with “debuglog.tef” extension are binary files, (TEF stands for Telium Engineering Format). These files are read by our diagnostic tools to help diagnose a problem. You cannot view the contents of these files as you would require our engineering tools to do so.

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