Accueil Forums PBXSync (PBX Synchronizer) General How do I get my license?

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  • Avatar photoCustomer Inquiry
    Post count: 204

    I just purchased (and paid) for multiple products. What happens next? Do you send me licenses? Do you send me download links?

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    You can download the products directly from our website (without the need for a key/link). The “Free” edition you can download directly actually turns into the “Commercial” edition once you add a license file.

    You can request your license files at any time, after you have installed the product. Once the product is installed and running, you must telnet to the built-in telnet server and there you must enter the command “license request”.

    Answer the questions presented on screen, and then send the resulting license request file to (you will see more instructions on the telnet screen). In response you will get a license file (and optionally a USB dongle depending on the activation options you chose onscreen) from the Telium support team.

    For more information on activation options see

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