Accueil Forums HAast (High Availability for Asterisk) General Creating a HA LCR / Proxy server (cluster)

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  • Avatar photoCustomer Inquiry
    Post count: 204

    We have an Asterisk based proxy server through which we route approximately 1500 simultaneous calls. The proxy server also does LCR (Least Cost Routing) using a combination of Asterisk dialplan rules and MySQL database information. In order to improve our uptime we want to introduce High Availability into this LCR Proxy.

    Can HAAst help in this scenario?

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    Yes HAAst can create a High Availability LCR / Proxy server cluster for you.

    HAAst’ health detection will automatically shutdown a failing LCR/proxy and start a healthy LCR/proxy. HAAst’s synchronization capabilities will keep the dialplan in sync between peers, and also all of your cost data in the MySQL tables. HAAst can even start/stop unrelated services (perhaps relating to LCR), customize data unique to each LCR/proxy, and more.

    HAAst has no problem with 1500 simultaneous calls, or setups, per second.

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    As an additional note, you may wish to have a look at our LoDi product. It can act as an outbound proxy / LCR / and more. LoDi includes an HA option so it might be an easy way to achieve what you are looking for.

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