Accueil Forums HAast (High Availability for Asterisk) Configuration & Optimization AstDB synchronizing in FreePBX 2.10

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    Post count: 204

    I have an older version of FreePBX(TM) that is working fine with HAAst; the MySQL configuration and the Asterisk configuration files are synchronizing great. However, the AstDB has problems and I suspect it is not synchronizing. How do I fix this?

    Avatar photoTelium Support Group
    Post count: 263

    Instead of relying on FreePBX to recreate the AstDB, you should let HAAst synchronize it. (This is the standard HAAst configuration as of Jan 2016). To have HAAst synchronize the AstDB add an entry like this to the haast configuration:

    asteriskdb/description=Asterisk internal database

    If you use the sample Asterisk sync file (sample_files/synchronizations/asteriskconfig.sync.conf) then this will be setup for you automatically.

    Warning: Do not try to synchronize this file using ‘file’ type. HAAst must read and write this file using SQL commands or you risk corrupting the file. As well, do not put this file on a DRBD partition, nor put it on a network share if there is any chance of the peer reading/writing this file at the same time.

    HAAst also has the ability replicated all keys from the AstDB, or generate new values for keys which must be unique, or leave each node with original values. Please contact Telium support for details on how to configure HAAst to control these keys during replication.

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